Ethan J

Ethan J

Imported from South Africa, now living in NYC. Frequent traveler.

New York, NY
  • 4 conseils
  • 142 abonnés
  • 317 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Ethan pour Toutes les villes
  • Pittsburgh
  • New York
  • Queens
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Ethan
1 Conseil 
New York
2 Conseils
1 Conseil 
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Ethan J
4 lieux mis à jour
4 lieux y compris Bike Cafe, Blue Diamond, Astoria Park, COFFEED
Ethan J
7 lieux mis à jour
7 lieux y compris Dutch Kills, Fat Cat, Washington Square Park, Fun City Tattoo
    "I love this place. Great cocktails and food is amazing. Looks like a dive bar from the outside, but inside is great. Definitely stop by. The Monkey Business cocktail with him and banana liquor rocks."
    Ethan JEthan J · Juillet 14, 2016
    · Long Island City, États-Unis
    "Just had a touch up done here on a tattoo I had done in Pittsburgh about 7 years ago. Most artists cringe at touching up other's work but Surlone was awesome. Awesome job. Will definitely be back."
    Ethan JEthan J · Août 15, 2015
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Had my hair cut recently by Nick. First (and only time) ever that I've told a stylist, "Do whatever you want. Honest." And he did."
    Ethan JEthan J · Avril 4, 2013
    Salon de coiffure
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Ron is awesome, the salon is pure class. Book your next appointment here, go on, do it."
    Ethan JEthan J · Août 28, 2012
    Salon de coiffure
    · Pittsburgh, États-Unis