Eki Vahina

Eki Vahina

Athens, 35
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Eki Vahina
0 lieux mis à jour
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Eki Vahina
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Buddha-Bar Beach Santorini, Remvi Restaurant
    "Amazing cocktails out of this world combination and friendly staff and the Korean salad definitely a must to try."
    Eki VahinaEki Vahina · Août 28, 2018
    Bar lounge
    · Santorin, Grèce
    "The food is excellent really the best I had in Greece from the salad to the mussels, shrimps, octopus...5 stars not to forget the amazing view...perfect!!"
    Eki VahinaEki Vahina · Août 28, 2018
    · Santorin, Grèce