Eric Ong

Eric Ong


Penang, Malaysia
  • 5 conseils
  • 242 abonnés
  • 257 abonnements
  • 3 Listes
Listes de Eric pour Toutes les villes
  • Bayan Lepas
  • Tanjung Tokong
  • George Town
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Eric
Bayan Lepas
1 Liste créée
Tanjung Tokong
1 Liste créée
George Town
1 Liste créée · 5 Conseils
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Eric Ong
83 lieux mis à jour Novembre 10, 2021
It's a little messy but I will work on it later on by sorting them by opening hours, breakfast spots, strictly dessert, etc.
Eric Ong
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Atsuta Horai-ken
Eric Ong
9 lieux mis à jour
9 lieux y compris Farlim Wednesday Night Flea Market (Pasar Malam), The Alley, Secawan 'n' Such, Joyeux Café
    "Decently priced milk-based espresso drink, coffee's not too bad. A place that I would return again."
    Eric OngEric Ong · Juillet 28, 2014
    · George Town, Malaisie
    "One of the better cafes, but I think that the milk-based espresso beverage prices might be over the roof, probably one of the most expensive cafes in Penang."
    Eric OngEric Ong · Juillet 28, 2014
    · George Town, Malaisie
    "One of the better cafes in Penang serving milk-based espresso. Their flat white, chai latte and matcha latte were all up to my expectations. The brunch menu was pretty expensive though."
    Eric OngEric Ong · Juillet 28, 2014
    · George Town, Malaisie
    "Recommended food: Maggie Goreng, Nasi Lemak Goreng, Roti Hongkong, Roti Canai with kuah campur. Best drinks are Teh O Ais Limau, Susu Lembu +Milo+Telur!"
    Eric OngEric Ong · Mai 6, 2011
    · George Town, Malaisie
    "Try the German food! Not many German food in Penang that serves this cheap. Lamb shank and their sausages highly recommended!"
    Eric OngEric Ong · Mai 4, 2011
    Espace de restauration
    · George Town, Malaisie