Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam


Erasmus University Rotterdam is an international knowledge workshop for critical thinking and academic training, driven by a strong focus on current social issues. The university concentrates its expertise on issues of management, organisation and policy in the public and private sectors on the one hand, as well as on the field of sickness and health care.

Rotterdam, Nederland
  • 45 conseils
  • 374 abonnés
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  • 2 Listes
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45 Conseils
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"Variety of good food!"
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus University Rotterdam · Janvier 27, 2014
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
"Wow, Starbucks at campus!"
Coffee Shop
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
"OneMBA is the only global executive MBA programme designed by five schools on four continents. No other EMBA program matches the global business experience OneMBA offers."
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus University Rotterdam · Septembre 2, 2011
Salle de classe
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
"In this building you'll find lots of law students. You can also find here the largest restaurant at campus and a coffee bar."
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus University Rotterdam · Septembre 1, 2011
Bâtiment académique
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
"This building is being restored. The make over will be probably be finished at the end of 2012."
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus University Rotterdam · Septembre 1, 2011
Bâtiment académique
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
"This beautiful auditorium has place for 882 persons. Big events take pace here."
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus University Rotterdam · Septembre 1, 2011
· Rotterdam, Pays-Bas