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Entrepôt ou magasin de gros
· Wilsonville, États-Unis
8.1"Customer service is almost nonexistent in the departments in the back! It is always a LONG WAIT! Ugh! Frustrating. :-("
Grande surface
· Salem, États-Unis
5.1"Slower than molasses and the worst tasting Dutch Bros. Americano coffee I have ever had. They used to be great here but lately haven't been good at all. They need to make some serious changes here!"
Coffee Shop
· Salem, États-Unis
7.4"This place knows how to get Americano's right!"
Coffee Shop
· Salem, États-Unis
8.1"Quick, smooth cash transaction AT THE PUMP. THANK YOU! :-)"
· Keizer, États-Unis
5.7"They don't hire employees they can trust with cash so you have to hike into their store to pay. BS! I am going elsewhere even to pay more for better service! Bye!"
· Salem, États-Unis