David Hill

David Hill

Surfers Paradise, QLD
  • 19 conseils
  • 67 abonnés
  • 60 abonnements
  • 5 Listes
Listes de David pour Toutes les villes
  • Byron Bay
  • Belgrade
  • Bled
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après David
Byron Bay
1 Conseil 
4 Conseils
1 Conseil 
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David Hill
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Goldsteins Bakery
David Hill
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
    Conseils récents de David
    "Wow! If you don't want fresh, organic, full flavoured, tasty, well presented food then keep on driving to Ballina! Make sure you book. Here on a lazy Tuesday and booked out!"
    David HillDavid Hill · Juillet 10, 2013
    · Byron Bay, Australie
    "Might be new owners because the fish was very ordinary! Quality seafood is the key and this fact had been lost on these guys!"
    David HillDavid Hill · Mai 1, 2013
    Boutique de Fish and Chips
    · Varsity Lakes, Australie
    "Great hotel rooms.. Quite far from city centre though - 20 mins by tram or bus and 8 by cab! Great if you want some shopping at the massive Chinese markets in Block 70 or upscale shops at Delta City."
    David HillDavid Hill · Décembre 28, 2012
    · Belgrade, Serbie
    "2 times I have rented cars from these guys and they really are dangerous. If you value your life or passengers life look elsewhere."
    David HillDavid Hill · Juin 30, 2012
    Voiture de location
    · Serbie
    "Don't go to the art cafe! The blonde waitress turns a great location cafe into a second rate cafe!"
    David HillDavid Hill · Juin 1, 2012
    · Bled, Slovénie
    "If you are passing by this area come to this unassuming house and ask the owner Sasa to give you some samples and if you like what you taste you can bottle your own wine for less than €5 a bottle!"
    David HillDavid Hill · Avril 27, 2012
    · Serbie