Jennifer DeAngelo Ayre

Jennifer DeAngelo Ayre


I suppose my general philosophy of life is trying not to be negative, only positive, and not wasting time and effort on things in the past that I cannot change,

Peoria, AZ
  • 2 conseils
  • 14 abonnés
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  • Phoenix
  • San Diego
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San Diego
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Jennifer DeAngelo Ayre
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Jennifer DeAngelo Ayre
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Dao Kitchen
    "My husband had the Chile and it was microwaved and terrible!"
    Jennifer DeAngelo AyreJennifer DeAngelo Ayre · Janvier 17, 2014
    · San Diego, États-Unis
    "2 minutes to the terminal!"
    Jennifer DeAngelo AyreJennifer DeAngelo Ayre · Janvier 17, 2014
    Station de navettes d'aéroport
    · Phoenix, États-Unis