Joie Roberts

Joie Roberts

Austin, TX
  • 18 conseils
  • 153 abonnés
  • 137 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Joie pour Toutes les villes
  • Napa
  • Salt Lake City
  • San Miguel de Cozumel
  • Austin
  • La Jolla
  • San Diego
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Joie
1 Conseil 
Salt Lake City
1 Conseil 
San Miguel de Cozumel
2 Conseils
10 Conseils
La Jolla
1 Conseil 
San Diego
2 Conseils
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Joie Roberts
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
Joie Roberts
8 lieux mis à jour
8 lieux y compris One World Theatre, Lululemon Athletica, The Bar Method, TNT - Tacos and Tequila
    Conseils récents de Joie
    "Fabulous vacation experience. Don't feel obligated to do the timeshare tour. We just paid full price for our adventures. Aldo was amazingly helpful, he helped us rent a jeep!"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Mai 15, 2014
    Complexe hôtelier
    · Cozumel, Mexique
    "Bring your fins and snorkel, buy a beer and play here all day"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Mai 10, 2014
    Lieu de plongée sous-marine
    · Cozumel, Mexique
    "the towels leave a lot of fuzz on you, so be-careful if you wear black- but the bath is worth it. The beds are comfortable and the staff are great! Love this place we will be back"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Octobre 1, 2013
    · Napa, États-Unis
    "Make an appointment as they get busy. Gita is great at injections, especially Botox, she really knows her stuff so listen to her!"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Juin 1, 2013
    · San Diego, États-Unis
    "Loved all the oysters- the kale side was good-- the bathroom is behind the bar backs area right of the fish tank- a little strange"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Novembre 14, 2012
    Fruits de mer
    · Austin, États-Unis
    "Steven Tremont is an amazing sales rep! Go for the tire package especially if you have performance low profile tires. The sodas are in the fridge in the back left below the cookies :-)"
    Joie RobertsJoie Roberts · Novembre 10, 2012
    Concessionnaire automobile
    · Austin, États-Unis