Justin M

Justin M

Seattle, WA, United States
  • 3 conseils
  • 30 abonnés
  • 4 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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  • Aqaba
  • Copenhagen
  • Seattle
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Justin M
0 lieux mis à jour
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Justin M
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris 8oz Burger Bar
    "The staff was very arrogant. I called to make a reservation for 8 people, the floor manager sounded annoyed. I heard him say "fucking retards" in the background."
    Justin MJustin M · Juillet 27, 2019
    · Seattle, États-Unis
    "Had to wait 1 hour for my drink, waitress excused the poor service by saying it was crowded and they only had one bartender,she was a bit rude. Pepper beef was good, but I did not like the dumplings"
    Justin MJustin M · Février 5, 2017
    Dim Sum
    · Copenhague, Danemark
    "The dive was fun, they took some pictures which they promised to send. Unfortunately they became unresponsive after the dive. It was rather frustrating, but finally they managed to find the photos."
    Justin MJustin M · Novembre 29, 2015
    Magasin de plongée
    · Aqaba, Jordanie