Kallista Stamenov

Kallista Stamenov

Argyle, TX
  • 2 conseils
  • 0 abonnés
  • 0 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Kallista pour Toutes les villes
  • Flower Mound
  • Highland Village
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Kallista
Flower Mound
1 Conseil 
Highland Village
1 Conseil 
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Kallista Stamenov
6 lieux mis à jour
6 lieux y compris Edison Coffee Co, Fresco's Mexicana, Pita Hoüzz, Starwood Cafe
Kallista Stamenov
6 lieux mis à jour
6 lieux y compris Starwood Cafe, Seven Mile Cafe, Jason's Deli, Pita Hoüzz
    "My favorite thing to get is the basil, tomato, and feta scramble with sourdough+raspberry jam and smoked Gouda grits. The grits are AMAZING. Gluten-free coffee cake, biscuits and gravy."
    Kallista StamenovKallista Stamenov · Octobre 18, 2015
    · Highland Village, États-Unis
    "Build your own sandwich, chicken chili and seafood gumbo. The soups are all really good actually, and the Papa Joe is amazing. The penne pasta with meatballs is a delicious choice!"
    Kallista StamenovKallista Stamenov · Octobre 18, 2015
    Camion de restauration
    · Flower Mound, États-Unis