Kansas State University

Kansas State University


Welcome to the official foursquare of the Wildcats! K-State is home to more than 24,300 students, more than 250 majors and options, and lots of purple.

Manhattan, KS
  • 77 conseils
  • 9 408 abonnés
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  • 3 Listes
  • 101 lieux
Listes de Kansas State University pour Toutes les villes
  • Manhattan
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Kansas State University
1 Liste créée · 75 Conseils
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Kansas State University ne s'est abonné(e) à personne pour le moment.
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Kansas State University
21 lieux mis à jour Mars 6, 2014
Explore the history of the Kansas State University campus. See how you can build on a powerful tradition to be the future at K-State!
Kansas State University
16 lieux mis à jour
16 lieux y compris Peters Recreation Complex, Power Plant, Calvin Hall, West Hall
    "Come see all of our creatures great and small! They will be at the entrance of I-70 in Mosier Hall! Find the Foursquare logo and snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    · Manhattan, États-Unis
    "An artist-built home that houses the heart. Do you see the spot where you can make art? Find the Foursquare logo and snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    Musée d'art
    · Manhattan, États-Unis
    "At K-State we dream big and stand tall. Come see our brand new rock wall! Find the Foursquare logo at the north entrance and snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    Salle de détente
    · Manhattan, États-Unis
    "Not sure what on-campus options Housing and Dining Services has to offer K-State students? Have no fear! Come to the Union first floor, you’ll find it here. Find the Foursquare logo and snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    Bureau des étudiants
    · Manhattan, États-Unis
    "Come visit the Leadership Studies building and don’t be nervous. We have great opportunities to show us your service! Find the Foursquare logo in the first floor lobby and snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    Bâtiment académique
    · Manhattan, États-Unis
    "Explore the many careers that focus on people! Enjoy the exhibit in the newly renovated Justin Hall. Stop by the Student Collaborative Area and find the Foursquare logo to snap a photo!"
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University · Avril 3, 2014
    Bâtiment académique
    · Manhattan, États-Unis