Kat M.

Kat M.

Baileys Crossroads, VA
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  • Woburn
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Kat M.
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Kat M.
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    "Didn't get the same warm and fuzzies. The rep stocking the food refused to move out of the way so I could reach my items. Tried a couple of times, and asked. Explained the issue and mgmt didn't care."
    Kat M.Kat M. · Août 27, 2014
    · Washington, États-Unis
    "Extremely poor service. No one helped me at the counter, and i was literally asked if i was 18 four times and chased around the store by a rep telling me to open a Kohls charge card."
    Kat M.Kat M. · Mai 26, 2012
    Grand magasin
    · Woburn, États-Unis