Kelly O'Neal

Kelly O'Neal


Saint Louis, MO
  • 3 conseils
  • 25 abonnés
  • 23 abonnements
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  • St Louis
  • San Antonio
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Les meilleures villes d'après Kelly
St Louis
2 Conseils
San Antonio
1 Conseil 
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Kelly O'Neal
0 lieux mis à jour
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Kelly O'Neal
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris The Original Pancake House, Pi Pizzeria
    "this is my favorite place to eat, hands down. but tonight, their usual pepper cheese was extremely thickened with something to where it tasted like potatoes. And the "pub" fries were not their usual."
    Kelly O'NealKelly O'Neal · Mars 14, 2014
    · Saint-Louis, États-Unis
    "As nice as it is that they bring the food to the table, they always have an attitude even when I say "thank you". Very unpleasant."
    Kelly O'NealKelly O'Neal · Novembre 25, 2013
    · Saint-Louis, États-Unis
    "not a very helpful tsa staff. i had surgery on my arm yesterday and the staff did NOTHING to help me in any way after i asked for assistance. second time this has happened to me in the last 6 months."
    Kelly O'NealKelly O'Neal · Janvier 11, 2013
    Aéroport international
    · San Antonio, États-Unis