Lindsey Winders

Lindsey Winders

Urbandale, IA
  • 8 conseils
  • 65 abonnés
  • 102 abonnements
  • 4 Listes
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  • Clive
  • Iowa City
  • Urbandale
  • Waukee
  • Des Moines
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Les meilleures villes d'après Lindsey
1 Conseil 
Iowa City
5 Conseils
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1 Conseil 
Des Moines
1 Conseil 
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Lindsey Winders
6 lieux mis à jour
6 lieux y compris The Red Poppy Hookah Parlor, Iowa Memorial Union, Host, Mrs. A's Hawaiian Snow
Lindsey Winders
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
    Conseils récents de Lindsey
    "i can appreciate being courteous of others wanting tables, etc, however during finals week I feel that the one-hour table limit is blasphemy! literally was hounded by the manager 4 times. rude&unfair"
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Décembre 12, 2012
    Coffee Shop
    · Iowa City, États-Unis
    "The partys always poppin in room #235 :)"
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Février 11, 2012
    · Iowa City, États-Unis
    "Use the itc computerab to print your notes, etc. You can actually send them to the printer from your dorm. HTTP://"
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Novembre 9, 2011
    · Iowa City, États-Unis
    "Sponsored movies by CAB, offers cheap popcorn and soda pop for the movie. Come early not only to get good seats but also to watch the awesome music videos played before the movie starts."
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Novembre 4, 2011
    Salle polyvalente
    · Iowa City, États-Unis
    "Bathrooms on main floor are really nice! 2nd floor is the bestt! Oh and for incoming freshmen next year, you need your proxy card for the elevator as"
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Août 30, 2011
    · Iowa City, États-Unis
    "Bring on the creative genius!"
    Lindsey WindersLindsey Winders · Juillet 12, 2011
    Sans catégorie
    · Urbandale, États-Unis