Marie Brewer

Marie Brewer

Woodside, NY
  • 14 conseils
  • 19 abonnés
  • 17 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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  • Washington
  • Newton
  • New York
  • Astoria
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Les meilleures villes d'après Marie
2 Conseils
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New York
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Marie Brewer
0 lieux mis à jour
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Marie Brewer
4 lieux mis à jour
4 lieux y compris Fresk'o Yogurt, Sweet Afton, The 'dam, Namaste
    Conseils récents de Marie
    "The service here was impeccable. The food was delicious! We were the only people there but the staff was friendly and not overwhelming at all!"
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Novembre 30, 2013
    · Astoria, États-Unis
    "Great beer, great prices!"
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Août 11, 2013
    · Astoria, États-Unis
    "Ross is an excellent physical therapist. I also highly recommend Dr. JC for chiropractic. I work for chiropractors and he's still the only one I let adjust me!"
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Avril 13, 2012
    Cabinet de médecin
    · New York, États-Unis
    "If you have a lot of luggage don't rely on the upstanding megabus staff to help you at all."
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Septembre 3, 2011
    Gare routière
    · Washington, États-Unis
    "If you have a lot of luggage don't expect"
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Septembre 3, 2011
    Gare routière
    · Washington, États-Unis
    "While this is an airport bus I would never take it there. Travel and bus times are inconsistent. I use it 3-4 times a week btwn 125th and Steinway and it varies from a 35-90 min or more ride."
    Marie BrewerMarie Brewer · Juillet 6, 2011
    Culture et loisirs
    · Bronx, États-Unis