Mary Gallert

Mary Gallert


Mary Gallert spent her entire adolescence carrying the weight of the knowledge that she was adopted.

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Mary Gallert
2 lieux mis à jour Mai 17, 2016
2 lieux y compris AP Literature with Al, Stalls Medical and Adaptive Vans
Mary Gallert
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
Mary Gallert
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Stalls Medical and Adaptive Vans, Quail Ridge Books & Music, Gwendolyn's, Original Flying Burrito
    "Mary Gallert found out that she was adopted at a young age, so it was not until she reached her teens that she really began to wonder about the implications of the discovery."
    Mary GallertMary Gallert · Août 3, 2016
    Bar lounge
    · Raleigh, États-Unis
    "Great Food.."
    Mary GallertMary Gallert · Juillet 25, 2016
    Bar lounge
    · Raleigh, États-Unis
    "Yummy food"
    Mary GallertMary Gallert · Juin 3, 2016
    Bar lounge
    · Raleigh, États-Unis
    "Mary Gallert’s adoptive parents were able to see her inner angst and did everything they could to help her to navigate her feelings about being adopted."
    Mary GallertMary Gallert · Mai 17, 2016
    · Cary, États-Unis
    "Mary Gallert was happy to have established a relationship with her birth mother before her passing, but she has found it much more difficult to find her birth father."
    Mary GallertMary Gallert · Février 26, 2016
    Bar lounge
    · Raleigh, États-Unis