Mayra Alejandra Camero

Mayra Alejandra Camero

Brownsville, TX
  • 27 conseils
  • 2 abonnés
  • 0 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Mayra Alejandra pour Toutes les villes
  • South Padre Island
  • Port Isabel
  • San Antonio
  • San Benito
  • Brownsville
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Mayra Alejandra
South Padre Island
1 Conseil 
Port Isabel
1 Conseil 
San Antonio
5 Conseils
San Benito
1 Conseil 
18 Conseils
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Mayra Alejandra ne s'est abonné(e) à personne pour le moment.
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Mayra Alejandra Camero
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Ricardo's Restaurant
Mayra Alejandra Camero
45 lieux mis à jour
45 lieux y compris IHOP, Tortilleria La Vaquita, South Padre Island, Luby's
    ".the stuffed French toast with glazed strawberries are the best! .its literally the only thing I go for!"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Décembre 22, 2016
    Petit déjeuner
    · Brownsville, États-Unis
    ".i like beach access 22 only because they have two outside showers that belong to the Inverness Beach Condo,, so i tend to use those to wash out the sand"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Novembre 22, 2016
    · South Padre Island, États-Unis
    ".the potato soup is really delicious and I usually like going on Tuesday for lunch when it's buy one lunch,, get the second one for free"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Novembre 22, 2016
    · Brownsville, États-Unis
    ".the tacos were pretty good but my mom ordered the tostadas and the deshebrada was extremely dry so she had to return them"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Novembre 22, 2016
    · San Benito, États-Unis
    ".sign up for their email list and receive coupons,, some coupons contain buy one combo get on free or lu Ann plate for only $6"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Novembre 14, 2016
    Cuisine familiale
    · Brownsville, États-Unis
    ".the quesadilla con fajita is my best choice with agua de Jamaica to drink"
    Mayra Alejandra CameroMayra Alejandra Camero · Novembre 14, 2016
    · Brownsville, États-Unis