T@!rA Fontanez

T@!rA Fontanez


Tampa Engaged!

Florida..... missing NYC & Chicago
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T@!rA Fontanez
1 lieux mis à jour Décembre 28, 2013
1 lieu y compris The Playwright Irish Pub & Restaurant
T@!rA Fontanez
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Coldwell Banker
T@!rA Fontanez
19 lieux mis à jour
19 lieux y compris Florida Ave CarWash, GHOSTBAR, N9NE Steakhouse Las Vegas, MacDinton's Soho
    Conseils récents de T@!rA
    "$2 mimosa's everyday 2-7 $6 burgers 2-7 everyday. First time here and I am impressed with there vegetarian Tijuana bowl. My one complaint or two, is the cafeteria noise level and the lack of wifi."
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Août 20, 2014
    Petit déjeuner
    · Tampa, États-Unis
    "The handcrafted cocktail and view! Oh and the food was yummy too! It's better during the day...too crowded at night."
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Août 14, 2014
    Bar lounge
    · Saint Petersburg, États-Unis
    "I never get old of this place! I tell everyone I know, this is a MUST! Great food. Beer and wine prices are the best in SH. Service has even improved Over the past few months."
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Août 14, 2014
    Café en plein air
    · Tampa, États-Unis
    "They don't have a happy hour . however, their wines range from $5-$15"
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Avril 1, 2014
    Bar à vins
    · Tampa, États-Unis
    "I was so sad to see my $5 200 beer spot gone. I decided to try their happy hour and found the 200 beer menu in the back! Yay, they just made this place visually better"
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Décembre 28, 2013
    Café en plein air
    · Miami Beach, États-Unis
    "They have a don't touch policy...so don't shop here. It's a waste of time."
    T@!rA FontanezT@!rA Fontanez · Décembre 28, 2013
    Boutique de vêtements pour hommes
    · Miami Beach, États-Unis