Michele Caldwell

Michele Caldwell


I am a wife of 24 years, and the mother of three adult sons. I love reading, writing. and my newest passion is Great Danes.

Woodstock, GA
  • 4 conseils
  • 12 abonnés
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  • 2 Listes

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Michele Caldwell
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Michele Caldwell
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"Getting something for my God daughters bday and not getting one for me - hardest thing ever. Lol. EVERYTHING Looks AMAZING."
Michele CaldwellMichele Caldwell · Octobre 8, 2013
· Woodstock, États-Unis
"Though not easy to find without directions this new center is BEAUTIFUL 😀 makes having mammogram much easier."
Michele CaldwellMichele Caldwell · Octobre 8, 2013
Cabinet de médecin
· Marietta, États-Unis
"Enjoying a quiet evening with Mark, Neal and Erik. Love these times. ❤️"
Michele CaldwellMichele Caldwell · Octobre 6, 2013
Maison (privée)
· Woodstock, États-Unis
"Back home gettin ready for The Michigan Game - GO BLUE"
Michele CaldwellMichele Caldwell · Octobre 5, 2013
Maison (privée)
· Woodstock, États-Unis