Caroline Elizabeth

Caroline Elizabeth


New York City, NY
  • 18 conseils
  • 67 abonnés
  • 112 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Caroline pour Toutes les villes
  • New York
  • Hasbrouck Heights
  • Brooklyn
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Caroline
New York
13 Conseils
Hasbrouck Heights
1 Conseil 
4 Conseils
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Caroline Elizabeth
4 lieux mis à jour
4 lieux y compris Culture Club, Marlin Bar at Tommy Bahama, Buffalo Exchange, Gansevoort Park Avenue NYC
Caroline Elizabeth
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter, Vanessa's Dumpling House, La Trattoria, Così
    Conseils récents de Caroline
    "This is the worst location in the city. The staff is rude and unhelpful. I get that they have certain "rules" but they don't even try. They aren't even nice about anything and I hope they see this."
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Décembre 18, 2013
    Boutique de vêtements pour hommes
    · New York, États-Unis
    "They're the most uptight store about returns. You always need a card and an ID. It's ridiculously because it's not like it's high end."
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Décembre 18, 2013
    · New York, États-Unis
    "They should probably turn their music down. It's really obnoxious and the cashier and I cannot hear each other speak. I had to yell!"
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Novembre 26, 2013
    · New York, États-Unis
    "All of the sales associates just stare you down rudely. They're all very sassy about totally legal returns. They should think about changing their return policy if it will make them less mean."
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Novembre 4, 2013
    Boutique de vêtements pour hommes
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Rudest employees ever."
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Novembre 4, 2013
    Boutique de vêtements pour hommes
    · New York, États-Unis
    "They use Jukis right on the sales floor to do alterations! Super cool and hip yet classy store."
    Caroline ElizabethCaroline Elizabeth · Août 20, 2013
    Boutique de vêtements pour hommes
    · New York, États-Unis