Pasadena Humane Society

Pasadena Humane Society

Pasadena, CA
  • 4 conseils
  • 9 abonnés
  • 4 abonnements
  • 4 Listes
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Pasadena Humane Society
9 lieux mis à jour Septembre 20, 2012
Ever see the 33-foot blue PHS Mobile Unit on the streets? Here are some of the places it frequents. Stop by and check them out!
Pasadena Humane Society
5 lieux mis à jour Novembre 18, 2011
PHS has joined the VCA Shelter Partnership Program allowing new cat and dog adopters to receive a complimentary exam and healthcare. Below are the following VCA Animal Hospitals closest to PHS.
Pasadena Humane Society
0 lieux mis à jour
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Pasadena Humane Society
0 lieux mis à jour
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    "Join us on Wednesday, June 20th at 11a.m. for the groundbreaking ceremony for our new Animal Care Campus!"
    Pasadena Humane SocietyPasadena Humane Society · Juin 6, 2012
    Refuge pour animaux
    · Pasadena, États-Unis
    "The PHS Mobile Unit will be at the PCC Flea Market with adoptable pets looking for a loving forever home. You can't miss it. Just look for the 33-foot blue motor home!"
    Pasadena Humane SocietyPasadena Humane Society · Décembre 2, 2011
    Marché aux puces
    · Pasadena, États-Unis
    "The low-cost vaccine clinic schedule for tonight has been canceled due to the winds."
    Pasadena Humane SocietyPasadena Humane Society · Décembre 1, 2011
    Refuge pour animaux
    · Pasadena, États-Unis
    "We've activated all of our emergency services. We have emergency kennels for animals lost in the windstorm & will care for them & return them to their owners at no cost."
    Pasadena Humane SocietyPasadena Humane Society · Décembre 1, 2011
    Refuge pour animaux
    · Pasadena, États-Unis