Randi Jccmanhattan

Randi Jccmanhattan


New York, NY
  • 4 conseils
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New York
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Randi Jccmanhattan
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Randi Jccmanhattan
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    "This Wed, Wooster Collective will be here to talk all things street! It's 100% FREE!! all u have to do is register. Don't miss it....oh, the wine's free too! You're Welcome :)"
    Randi JccmanhattanRandi Jccmanhattan · Janvier 17, 2012
    Centre culturel
    · New York, États-Unis
    "it starts in 30 minutes....get here....NOW!"
    Randi JccmanhattanRandi Jccmanhattan · Décembre 15, 2011
    Salle polyvalente
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Stop in the The Laurie M. Tisch Gallery and take a look at the current exhibit "Distant Relations" by Lori Grinker and add your own family relations to the wall map!"
    Randi JccmanhattanRandi Jccmanhattan · Décembre 2, 2011
    Centre culturel
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Come meet the Prince of the Table Danny Meyer in conversation with Abigail Pogrebin on Nov. 9th. http://www.jccmanhattan.org/what-everyones-talking-about?page=cat-content&progid=24439"
    Randi JccmanhattanRandi Jccmanhattan · Octobre 24, 2011
    Centre culturel
    · New York, États-Unis