Rob Kennedy

Rob Kennedy


New York, NY
  • 2 conseils
  • 48 abonnés
  • 72 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Rob pour Toutes les villes
  • Pittsburgh
  • Windsor
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Rob
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
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Rob Kennedy
3 lieux mis à jour
3 lieux y compris My Sanctuary, PGH Taco Truck, Da Noi Italian Restaurant
Rob Kennedy
37 lieux mis à jour
37 lieux y compris Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown, Crazy Mocha, AMC Waterfront 22, The Meadows Racetrack & Casino
    "Love this place! Terrific staff, they always make my coffee perfectly, and the chocolate covered coffee bean!"
    Rob KennedyRob Kennedy · Août 18, 2015
    Coffee Shop
    · Pittsburgh, États-Unis
    "The food was okay, and Rich went out of his way to make sure I was satisfied, but it's good hotel food. Great for the snowstorm I was in, but not done cuisine by any stretch."
    Rob KennedyRob Kennedy · Janvier 27, 2014
    · Windsor, États-Unis