Ruby Roy

Ruby Roy


A Passionate Montrealer all my life. A Montreal Professional Tourist Guide who free lances for everyone. I travel for work and pleasure for 3-6 months annually.

Montréal, Canada
  • 11 conseils
  • 55 abonnés
  • 25 abonnements
  • 5 Listes
Listes de Ruby pour Toutes les villes
  • Montreal
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Ruby
2 Listes créées · 10 Conseils
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Ruby Roy
3 lieux mis à jour Août 28, 2011
3 lieux y compris Jounieh, Bonny's, Dominion Square Tavern
Ruby Roy
4 lieux mis à jour Septembre 13, 2012
You must try the pasta made with zucchini. My favourite is the sushi and the mojito which are absolutely heavenly. Try out their classes on vegan cooking.
Ruby Roy
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Tributere Bistro
Ruby Roy
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Place des Festivals
    Conseils récents de Ruby
    "If you love eating, cooking or food then you can't miss coming here. Anyone I bring in falls in love instantly!"
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Septembre 11, 2011
    · Montréal, Canada
    "My olive oil can is great on walnut maple icecream. Walnut bread toasted with a few drops of maple sirop hmmmm. See if you can find it?"
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Septembre 11, 2011
    · Montréal, Canada
    "Buy my cheese at the Fromagerie Atwater. As I walk in they already start cutting the cheeses I am going to buy in the right season. Check out the section on Québec's microbrewed beers."
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Septembre 11, 2011
    · Montréal, Canada
    "Try the gin from angava( Québec) Its yellow gin and great with cucumber. hmmm"
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Septembre 11, 2011
    · Montréal, Canada
    "Only real Egyptian resto in Montreal. It is like being in Alexandria in Cario. With wara eineb, foul, lemon juice, Kishouri and toufeh shisha, Mahalabia, Oum Ali and Egyptian Arabic spoken."
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Août 28, 2011
    Sans catégorie
    · Saint-Laurent, Canada
    "My top 3 favourites. Try the hot mezze especially the Syrian specialties. Fadi the owner is exceptional. A tiny place with really good food."
    Ruby RoyRuby Roy · Août 28, 2011
    · Montréal, Canada