Samúel Jón Gunnarsson

Samúel Jón Gunnarsson


Akranes, Iceland
  • 4 conseils
  • 56 abonnés
  • 47 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Samúel Jón pour Toutes les villes
  • Reykjavik
  • Akranes
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Samúel Jón
1 Conseil 
2 Conseils
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Samúel Jón Gunnarsson
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris The Laundromat Café
Samúel Jón Gunnarsson
8 lieux mis à jour
8 lieux y compris Noodle Station, Slippurinn Eatery, Advania, Kopar
    "Very personal show that is very fun to watch. Remember to show up timely if you want to use 30% discount to exhibition hall that comes with the ticket for the show"
    Samúel Jón GunnarssonSamúel Jón Gunnarsson · Décembre 11, 2010
    Culture et loisirs
    · Islande
    "My wife works there and she and her father en brothers bake great cakes and breads. I recommend trying out the olive bread with pasta and fish courses."
    · Akranes, Islande
    "There are two running tracks 550meters and 800meters. Great place to jog/run, playing soccer, volleyball and play with the kids."
    "If you want to go whale whatching or sea-angling this is the place to go."
    Voyage et transport
    · Reykjavik, Islande