Star Tingle

Star Tingle


Sacramento, CA
  • 2 conseils
  • 10 abonnés
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Star Tingle
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Star Tingle
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Fat's Asia Bistro, The Klubhouse 2 West Sac Zumba
    "I absolutely love Beverly and her skill at cutting curly hair. If you have naturally curly hair and you wear it that way then definitely go see her. She is the curly whisperer!"
    Star TingleStar Tingle · Janvier 11, 2014
    Salon de coiffure
    · Sacramento, États-Unis
    "Not a good place. I would never go back. The good tasted burnt because they don't clean their grill."
    Star TingleStar Tingle · Novembre 24, 2013
    · Sacramento, États-Unis