Steven Vega

Steven Vega

Bronx, NY
  • 10 conseils
  • 6 abonnés
  • 1 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Steven pour Toutes les villes
  • New York
  • Bronx
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Les meilleures villes d'après Steven
New York
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Steven Vega
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Marquee
Steven Vega
194 lieux mis à jour
194 lieux y compris JCPenney, New Rochelle Farmers Market, New England Thruway, New Rochelle, NY
    Conseils récents de Steven
    "Bartow Mall has the best small stores. There's Dollar Tree a true dollar store. There's Bagels on Bartow, the make the best bagels. There's a Rite Aid, a liqour store, a bakery and a supermarket, etc"
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Juin 26, 2014
    Centre commercial
    · Bronx, États-Unis
    "There are lots of good deals are household products and items to choose from. The only draw back is that sometimes its the luck of the draw."
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Juin 13, 2014
    · Bronx, États-Unis
    "The best place in town for either a nice meal or wine and snacks. They have an amazing selection of wine, cheese and dried meats for their bar snacks as well as a great dinner menu."
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Juin 9, 2014
    Bar à vins
    · New York, États-Unis
    "They're open Wednesdays, Fridays for dinner from 5pm-9pm. Saturdays & Sundays for brunch 12pm-4pm then for dinner from 5pm-9pm."
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Juin 6, 2014
    Port / Marina
    · Bronx, États-Unis
    "Cafeteria has great variety of choices, I like the sushi counter. They will make special orders to your liking if you ask."
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Juin 4, 2014
    · Bronx, États-Unis
    "Panera has the best and freshest food in Bay Plaza. A must eat for sure."
    Steven VegaSteven Vega · Mai 25, 2014
    Centre commercial
    · Bronx, États-Unis