"Bakmi keriting yg paling saya suka. Kekerasan bakminya paling pas."
Nouilles chinoises
· Jakarta, Indonésie
5.9"Interesting latte, the coffee were in the shape of ice cubes, and we poured the fresh milk into the glass filled with ice cubes coffee."
· Jakarta, Indonésie
8.7"Fresh spring roll is really fresh. It is a perfect appetizer."
· Jakarta, Indonésie
7.0"Ayam Semboi. Ayam goreng crispy disiram saos asam manis rasa semboi. Recommended!"
· Jakarta, Indonésie
7.8"Kerang Kampak masak bawang putih dan soun. Enak dan harganya gk terlalu mahal. Cukup fresh kerangnya."
· Jakarta, Indonésie
7.8"I was trying something a lil different. Instead of having a pho, I tried this spicy minced beef and beef balls with instant noodle. It wasn't anything spectacular. The sauce tasted like rojak sauce 😄"
· Jakarta, Indonésie