Trentino as a Lab

Trentino as a Lab


La rete territoriale che promuove i servizi innovativi ICT per la Pubblica Amministrazione trentina

Provincia autonoma di Trento, Italia
  • 40 conseils
  • 161 abonnés
  • 0 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Trentino as a Lab pour Toutes les villes
  • Rovereto
  • San Michele all'Adige
  • Lavis
  • Trento
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Trentino as a Lab
2 Conseils
San Michele all'Adige
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
21 Conseils
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Trentino as a Lab ne s'est abonné(e) à personne pour le moment.
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Trentino as a Lab
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Fondazione Edmund Mach, EIT ICT Labs, Trento Node, Associazione Industriali, Polo Tecnologico
Trentino as a Lab
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris MUSE - Museum of Science
    "il polo trentino delle tecnologie dei contenuti"
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Avril 10, 2014
    Espace de travail partagé
    · Italie
    "There is no Smart City if there are no Smart Citizens. And, there are no Smart Citizens if there is no proper education within and beyond the traditional schemes..."
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Février 22, 2014
    Salle polyvalente
    · Italie
    "As a catalyzer of innovation, we strive to contribute to the transformation through Information and Communications Technology (ICT) of Trentino into a competitive and dynamic knowledge economy ..."
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Novembre 6, 2013
    · Trente, Italie
    "Phoenix: solutions for innovationPhoenix banking services aim to uplift your business with advanced technological systems capable of quickening and lightening many of your corporate processes ..."
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Avril 24, 2013
    · Trente, Italie
    "Una Scuola che intende contribuire allo sviluppo sociale ed economico mediante l’educazione alla progettualità e all’arricchimento delle competenze, realizzando un ambiente di crescita, incontro e ..."
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Décembre 14, 2012
    Bâtiment académique
    · Italie
    "Chi siamo: uno staff ricco di competenze, interessi e passioni. Uno studio di progettazione della comunicazione decisamente unico. esperti di web, web content e social sites, cultori della qualità ..."
    Trentino as a LabTrentino as a Lab · Décembre 6, 2012
    Startup technologique
    · Italie