Tell Them

Tell Them


Follow Tell Them across South Carolina and check-in at some of our favorite places! With more than 10,000 members across the state, the Tell Them network is an important nonpartisan, mainstream voice of reason that must be represented in conversations about reproductive health rights. It is critical that we give voice to the issues that matter.

Columbia, SC
  • 169 conseils
  • 51 abonnés
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  • 6 Listes
Listes de Tell Them pour Toutes les villes
  • Columbia
  • Camden
  • Orangeburg
  • Charleston
  • Georgetown
  • Chester
  • Manning
  • West Columbia
  • Lancaster
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Tell Them
4 Listes créées · 39 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 6 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 5 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 5 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 4 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 3 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 3 Conseils
West Columbia
2 Listes créées · 3 Conseils
2 Listes créées · 3 Conseils
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Tell Them
76 lieux mis à jour Octobre 12, 2012
In August 2012, the Affordable Care Act preventive healthcare provisions take effect. Here is a list of locations in SC that offer low cost or free prevention-based reproductive healthcare.
Tell Them
24 lieux mis à jour Juillet 18, 2014
July is a time to celebrate our nation's birth. South Carolina played an important role in our freedom, and here are some sites of important Revolutionary War battlefields within our state.
Tell Them
8 lieux mis à jour Février 27, 2012
The February 2012 "Buzzing Around the SC Statehouse" post featured the self-guided walking tour of Sherman's march into Columbia. The invasion took place in February 1865.
Tell Them
27 lieux mis à jour Juin 21, 2012
Check out the new Tell Them billboards, urging people to "protect your rights" in Columbia, Charleston and Clemson
Tell Them
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Tell Them
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    Conseils récents de Tell Them
    "Hours: 1:00-6:00 T, W ,Th ONLY. Teen friendly clinic, *APPOINTMENTS ONLY* Satellite clinic of Spartanburg County Public Health Department."
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    · Spartanburg, États-Unis
    "(803) 684-7004 Hours: 9:00-11:00 and 1:00-4:00 Limited walk-in availabilty. Appointments preferred."
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    Sans catégorie
    · Gastonia, États-Unis
    "Hours: Monday - Thursday; 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Phone: 864-638-4170"
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    · Walhalla, États-Unis
    "Appointment Phone: 1-866-450-2024 Hours: 8:30-4:00 Walk-in STD, family planning and pregnancy testing"
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    · Saluda, États-Unis
    "Hours: Mon 10:30-7:00 and Tues-Fri. 8:30-5:00 Appointments preferred . Limited walk-in availibility."
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    "Hours for teen services: OB - Monday beginning at 4; GYN services Wed. beginning at 3. Appointments required. Insurance accepted, and copay required. Not a DHEC sponsored Clinic"
    Tell ThemTell Them · Août 1, 2012
    · Columbia, États-Unis