The Enigma

The Enigma

The good, the bad, and the ugly. Honest reviews from a person with functioning taste buds.

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Listes récentes de The Enigma
The Enigma
10 lieux mis à jour Juillet 17, 2021
10 lieux y compris Le Moulin Bakery, amai Japanese Bakery, LOS PRIMOS Bakery & Cafe, Bread Hub
The Enigma
1 lieux mis à jour Juin 27, 2021
1 lieu y compris LINE Furniture
The Enigma
2 lieux mis à jour Avril 26, 2021
2 lieux y compris Al-HARTHY TAILOR'S, Mashar مشار للخياطة
The Enigma
3 lieux mis à jour Octobre 9, 2020
The cafés were selected based on atmosphere; places to unwind and perhaps get some work done.
The Enigma
6 lieux mis à jour Janvier 24, 2022
A food critic’s picks.
The Enigma
11 lieux mis à jour
11 lieux y compris Oiso, ŌKAWA 大川, Bonzai, مدلاف للفروسية
    "Meh, spaghetti di mare was fine, rigatoni meh, and pumpkin risotto was inedible. However, they do have the best pinã colada I’ve ever had. 7/10"
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Janvier 4, 2021
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite
    "They asked for a review, good place, but I’m a bad archer."
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Janvier 4, 2021
    Club de sport
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite
    "Bland, flavorless, and distasteful are just some adjectives I’d use to describe the food. 4/10."
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Novembre 20, 2020
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite
    "It’s devastating for Italian food to be remotely associated with this place. Bland, soggy, ugh. Doesn’t even deserve a proper review, the complementary salad is the best thing about this place. 4/10."
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Novembre 20, 2020
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite
    "Everything but the music was decent, electronic music on 9am isn’t good at all. However, the food was fine, french toast was crusted beautifully, and the avocado toast was exquisite. 8/10."
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Novembre 7, 2020
    Petit déjeuner
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite
    "Good ideas, bad execution. Chai milk cake was ok, too sweet. Saffron Creme Brulee, distasteful and overpowering, and matcha crepe cake had a vomit aftertaste. The fruit explosion is heated Shani. 5/10"
    The EnigmaThe Enigma · Novembre 7, 2020
    Bar lounge
    · Riyad, Arabie saoudite