Tim Correira

Tim Correira


Vineyard Haven, MA
  • 21 conseils
  • 117 abonnés
  • 149 abonnements
  • 2 Listes

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Les meilleures villes d'après Tim
4 Conseils
Oak Bluffs
3 Conseils
Vineyard Haven
2 Conseils
2 Conseils
1 Conseil 
Buzzards Bay
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
Tim Correira
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Naked Pizza, Somerville Theatre - IFFBoston
Tim Correira
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
Listes de TimListes créées par TimListes suivies par Tim
Conseils récents de Tim
"Really shitty bus driver. Why do they treat the bags like we are at an airport? It's not like they are being x rayed or anything. Thanks, now all my stuff I underneath the stupid bus and can't get it"
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Septembre 9, 2012
· Woods Hole, États-Unis
"Don't bother getting here too early. They don't even have the security lane open until 25 minutes before the plane leaves. Heck if you fly to Nantucket you don't even need to go through security."
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Août 24, 2012
· Vineyard Haven, États-Unis
"Why pay the sweet lady 20 a day when the island queen lot a block away is 15 bucks. Heck the valet on the dock I less than 20."
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Juillet 24, 2012
Bateau / Ferry
· Falmouth, États-Unis
"Make sure you double check your deli order. I have not received the right sandwich the last 4 times I have gone here. I think there is a language barrier."
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Juillet 10, 2012
Épicerie fine
· Vineyard Haven, États-Unis
"Make sure you take up 2 seats, people love it when you do that. Also when the bus is full make sure to not actually move to the back when the driver asks"
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Décembre 24, 2011
· Falmouth, États-Unis
"This airport is a joke. They have 3 security line for 6 airlines, on my last flight the security line took over an hour. You would be better off walking to your destination!"
Tim CorreiraTim Correira · Décembre 12, 2011
Aéroport international
· San Diego, États-Unis