Tom Ahern

Tom Ahern

Pyrmont, Australia
  • 4 conseils
  • 7 abonnés
  • 2 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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Tom Ahern
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Coogee Bay Hotel
Tom Ahern
0 lieux mis à jour
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    "Yellow fin tuna that comes into Sydney, or anywhere in Australia is NOT endangered !!!!! Please do your research !!"
    Tom AhernTom Ahern · Mai 5, 2010
    Marché aux poissons
    · Pyrmont, Australie
    "Aghhhh!, Now when you want a nice breakie on the W/E, away from the hustle and bustle of Coogee Bay Road, served by people that care, and food that is to die for, then you should probably try here!"
    Tom AhernTom Ahern · Avril 30, 2010
    · Coogee, Australie
    "Great food, although a little exy. This is the place to be on a sunday night, but only for nice people...Nasty people can feel free to leave this alone, ONLY music and good beer lovers ! Go Felix!!!"
    Tom AhernTom Ahern · Avril 30, 2010
    · Manly, Australie
    "Funky! This place gets the stars after their concerts so you bump into someone pretty damed cool after dark... Chef rocks too so get stuck into the food! PubCha is brought around later on. Enjoy!!!"
    Tom AhernTom Ahern · Avril 30, 2010
    · Surry Hills, Australie