Best tasting pizzas in Kallio. Thin crispy style with a sweet tomato sauce and light on toppings. Don't expect the big middle eastern style pizzas here.
I'm skeptical of Scandinavian pizza but this was great. Especially the crust. Like something yr Scandinavian mom might make -not pretty, presentation-wise but tastes great. Big portions for 8 euro
Get the chili sauce from the counter!!! It's really good and tasty, not too hot so you can use it a lot. Every pizza is probably top notch here, I think this is my new favorite.
Pizzan laatu on laskenut viime vuosina. :( ”Soosia” ei uskalla laittaa pizzalle enää ollenkaan. Harmi, varmaan 20 vuotta tuli käytyä aina saunan jälkeen.