Leckere, deftige Küche. Gepökelte Rinderbrust, Meerrettich-Rosinen-Sauce und Wurzelgemüse (siehe Foto) ist sehr zu empfehlen. Wirklich freundliches Personal.
Leckeres Becks vom Fass im Steinkrug! Dazu Gerichte verschiedenster Art. Labskaus, Schnitzel, Steak, Flammkuchen... Alles was das Herz begehrt. Typisch deutsche Küche.
The Ratskeller (wine cellar) dates back to the 15th century and was used to store and sell wine. It is Germany´s oldest cellar. In 2004 the building was added as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Call to reserve a table. The boss of the restaurant won't reserve one if you don't look like a person who will dress up for the evening. Really rude! But great atmospere!