My favorite place in the world and I've been to quite a few amazing places. Best on a late summer night when it's still light out but not as many people as during the day!
Тут вам совершенно бесплатно откроется потрясающий вид на Старый город. Зимой тут невероятно тихо и спокойно. Отличное место! Обязательно для посещения!
The place to go to for the most gorgeous view over the historical Tallinn Old Town. Winter or summer, sunshine or blizzard, you will enjoy a moment of peace up above everything :)
Este es el segundo de los dos miradores mas famosos de Tallin, desde aqui puedes ver los desohillinadores trabajar e las chimeneas. Nices views of Tallinn, look the chimney sweep working. En savoir plus