Vessy Xx

Vessy Xx

Sofia, Sofia-Capital
  • 4 conseils
  • 3 abonnés
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Les meilleures villes d'après Vessy
4 Conseils
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Vessy Xx
15 lieux mis à jour
15 lieux y compris Ananda, Млекарницата на Добрев, Ciccione Panini Bar & Bakery, Вила Росиче
Vessy Xx
6 lieux mis à jour
6 lieux y compris Млекарницата на Добрев, Градинката пред Народен театър, Народен театър "Иван Вазов" (I, Rock'n'Rolla
    "The fresh sandwiches are amazing!"
    Vessy XxVessy Xx · Août 9, 2014
    · Sofia, Bulgarie
    "Not a summer passes without this place. A lot of people come at dawn and you can listen to and watch performers in front of the theatre while drinking a beer ;)"
    Vessy XxVessy Xx · Août 9, 2014
    "New rock music. A fun place to be late at night but only on a weekend, otherwise it's almost empty."
    Vessy XxVessy Xx · Août 9, 2014
    Discothèque rock
    · Sofia, Bulgarie
    "I'll aways love a Saturday morning mocha while the cars drive by. Perfect urban scenery."
    Vessy XxVessy Xx · Août 9, 2014
    Coffee Shop
    · Sofia, Bulgarie