Brezovica pri Ljubljani
1 Conseil
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Slaščičarna Zvezda, Spajza, Lunch at the ranch, Gostilna Na burji
7 lieux mis à jour
7 lieux y compris Gostilna Na burji, repete, Zvezda, Gostilna in pizzerija Ponvica
Listes de ZigaListes créées par ZigaListes suivies par Ziga
"If you like cold hard buns, well done meat without taste, slow service and empty place then this joint is right up your alley."
"I've eaten the best roast beef ever here."
· Sečovlje, Slovénie
"Makroni - special desert - must try."
· Ljubljana, Slovénie
7.9"Great pasta-meat combinations. Overall the food is great."
· Brezovica pri Ljubljani, Slovénie
6.6"Westmalle trappist Chili con carne is a great pick for a rainy Saturday."
· Ljubljana, Slovénie
6.0"Interesting Burger served on a glass plate with fries wrapped in the New York times magazine."