Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition)
Temat Rzeka is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

1. Temat Rzeka

Wybrzeże Szczecińskie (Most Poniatowskiego), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar de plage · Kamionek · 42 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Beach, beautiful view to the city and good music. If you want to dance on the sand or just have a few drinks while enjoying summer evenings, this is your place.

Plac Zabaw is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

2. Plac Zabaw

Myśliwiecka 9 (Armii Ludowej), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar · Łazienki Królewskie · 14 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Cozy open-air bar with comfortable couches and tasty beers. Bring your bike/kid/dog or just dance with your friends in the evening for the groovy music.

Warszawa Powiśle is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

3. Warszawa Powiśle

Kruczkowskiego 3b, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar · Śródmieście Północne · 60 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Communistic train ticket office turned into a bar. Faved by college students, bike riders and hipsters. Tasty local beers and cakes.

Kawiarnia Kafka is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

4. Kawiarnia Kafka

Oboźna 3 (Topiel), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Café · Śródmieście Północne · 157 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Grab a chair (or bring yours) and enjoy delicious cakes, teas and coffees. You can read a book from their library, while your kids are playing with the toys prepared for them. Staff is very friendly.

BarKa is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

5. BarKa

Bulwar Bohdana Grzymały-Siedleckiego (Wybrzeże Kościuszkowszkie), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar · Powiśle · 19 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Party on a boat? Why not! Prepare for crowds though

Cud Nad Wisłą is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

6. Cud Nad Wisłą

Bulwar Flotylii Wiślanej, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Salle de concert · Solec · 30 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Riverside bar with calm atmosphere. Concerts and parties every day through summer.

Na Lato is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

7. Na Lato

Rozbrat 44, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar · Solec · 74 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Beach chairs and exotic drinks. Have a relaxing half an hour in a park while chatting with your friends or locals.

Niedorzeczni 500od1500 is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

8. Niedorzeczni 500od1500

Wioślarska 12, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar · Solec · 8 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Riverside place with beach chairs, parties and erotic movie screenings. Could be crowded at weekends but cozy during the week.

Latający Sen Pszczoły is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

9. Latający Sen Pszczoły

Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Discothèque · Szmulowizna · 1 conseil

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Beds and cool drinks are waiting for the visitors passing through Praga district. Concerts, events and parties of all sorts are held here.

La Playa is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

10. La Playa

Wybrzeże Helskie 1/5, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar à cocktail · Nowa Praga · 17 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: A slice of tropics in the city: Palm trees, beach volley and sand. During the day it works as a beach bar, but at nights it turns into an exclusive summer beach club.

Regeneracja is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

11. Regeneracja

Puławska 61 (at Morskie Oko 1), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar lounge · Sielce · 57 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Good food, unique atmosphere and friendly stuff. Even if you are with a kid (toys, non-smoking) and a dog (bowls with water), or just drinking with your friends. En savoir plus .

Pub Lolek is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

12. Pub Lolek

Rokitnicka 20, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Pub · Ochota · 51 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Flintstones like restaurant with a garden. You can bring your pet, store your bike and leave your kids to play in the children's room. Sport events can be watched on multiple televisions.

Meta is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

13. Meta

Foksal 21 (Nowy Świat), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Pub · Śródmieście Północne · 20 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Low on cash but still want to be trashed traditionally? This is your place! Cheap vodka, beer and raw herring for your health. Prepare to be squeezed though...the place is more popular than big.

Rue De Paris is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

14. Rue De Paris

Francuska 11, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Café · Saska Kępa · 29 conseils et avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: Stylish coffee place with tasty cakes and goodies. Take a short break while exploring Francuska street.

Parking Złote Tarasy is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

15. Parking Złote Tarasy

Złota 59, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Parking · Śródmieście Północne · Ni conseil ni avis

Bence S.Bence Szegvári: "The Glass Bubble" next to the railway station is a last minute resort before taking the train. Grab something to eat or buy some new clothes while you are waiting for departure.

A Nóż is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

16. A Nóż

ul. Różana 30 (ul. Falęcka), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Lieu servant des petits déjeuners · Stary Mokotów · 20 conseils et avis
Bowl Bar is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

17. Bowl Bar

Wawelska 5 (Zwirki i Wigury), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Café en plein air · Mokotów · Ni conseil ni avis

18. Bańka Mydlana

Książęca (Lorentza), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar de plage · Solec · Ni conseil ni avis

19. 500Palet

Gęsta (Skwer S. Jankowskiego „Agatona”), Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Café en plein air · Powiśle · 5 conseils et avis
Klar is one of Cool places in Warsaw (Summer Edition).

20. Klar

Krakowskie Przedmiescie 41, Varsovie, Voïvodie de Mazovie
Bar à cocktail · Śródmieście Północne · 20 conseils et avis