De Yogya, possibilité d'y aller en bus, en prenant d'abord le bus rapide de Yogya (3000 rps 0,25 €) puis un des 2 bus allant à Borobudur, départ toute le 20 minutes, 1h30 de trajet (20000 rps 1,80 €)
Ce lieu est un magnifique souvenir d'un voyage de mon enfance. Plus grand temple bouddhiste du monde ce site est merveilleux au cœur d'un écrin de palmiers et de rizières.
L'accès étranger est distinct de celui des Indonésiens. Nous payons plus de 6 fois le prix local, si cela sert à l'entretien, c'est une bonne cause ! N'oubliez pas la bouteille d'eauglacée offerte !
Pas la peine de prendre un tour organisé. Il faut prendre le bus jusqu'au Jombor terminal puis il y a encore une heure de bus direct. L'entré coute 20$ mais ca vaut le coup
Entrence tickets are expensive but it is definately worth seing. Combain tickets for Prambanan and Borobudur are available. It is much chaper. Both temples are especialy worth visit for the sunrise.
It's really magnificent to visit the biggest buddhist monument in the world.. I had took the sunrise package..must depart to manohara hotel to grab tix around 3.30am..tix include light tea break. Nice
I missed the morning sun rise which is mostly foreigners and students. Mid morning is mostly locals. They will ask to take your picture if you are foreign. Also you get a free guide with foreign tix
Worthy to stay in Manohara hotel and catch the private sunrise vieweing for Rp230,000 before it is opened to the public. The entrance fee is discounted only for hotel guests
Candi Budha terbesar di Indonesia, terdiri dari 6 tingkat. 3 tingkat terbawah menggambarkan kehidupan dunia & 3 tingkat di atasnya adalah kehidupan Nirvana, kita jaga kelestariannya #TravelingMagelang
I'm so amazed when I entered this place for the first time! also when I saw a flying lantern at the Vesak day! I will never forget that moment in my life!
Only 1,200 visitors permitted to climb up the temple daily (Tue-Sun). Divided into 8 timeslots (8.30am-3:30pm). That works out to a max of 150 people per hour. Book early once u know ur plans
Beautiful temple and a must visit if you're in Borobudur. Can catch nice sunrise here at around 5.30am if the sky is clear, best to visit here in middle of the year.
There are 72 small stupas surrounding the central one. Each stupa is pierced by numerous decorative openings. And get this, there is a Buddha statue sitting inside each stupa! Source: Wikipedia
Great view from the top in sunrise time☺️ and never! Never! Never turn to the way during the green symbols Exit! It's the market place, you wouldn't come back alive😂
VIP access. Next door Manohara Centre of Borobudur Studies offers a Borobudur Manohara Package (BMP). IDR475K per adult, excl. IDR455K for temple access ticket. Search online for details
Constructed of gray andesite-like stone, the temple consists of nine such stacked platforms (6 square and 3 circular), topped by an iconic central dome. Source: Wikipedia
A must when you are in Yogyakarta... ticket price for foreigners is a bit pricy but it includes free tea/coffee and separate place to rest before you start the tour...
The South-Eastern corner of the first tier has been removed (and reconstructed 100 metres away) to reveal more relief panels that had been hidden under layers of stone. This is the "hidden step".
The Blue Shield emblem identifies & protects the world's cultural heritage from threats such as armed conflict & natural disasters. Its use is restricted under international law. Source: Wikipedia
Stamford Raffles did not visit the site. While he was credited with the monument's rediscovery, he had sent Hermann Cornelius, a Dutch engineer, and 200 men to investigate in 1814. Source: Wikipedia
Book/buy tickets online. After extensive research, found the official PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko is entrusted with managing Borobudur
2 ticket types: Temple grounds access only (IDR400K, daily 6:30am-4:30pm), and full temple access (IDR455K, Tue-Sun 9am-5pm). Full access tickets limited to 150 per hour, and includes mandatory guide
When viewed from above, the stupa-shaped temple takes the form of a giant Buddhist tantric mandala, representing both Buddhist cosmology & the nature of mind. Source & image: Wikipedia
This place was spectacular and amazing! Sooo coooool. Gak kebayang Indonesia punya tempat kayak gini. Yaps, it was my 1st time visited Candi Borobudur and I wanted to see it again! xxoo;)
Silahturahmi ....pemimpin bijak adalah pribadi yang tidak emosional penuh kasih sayang, cinta akan nasihat dan memiliki semangat terus menerus untuk membangun dirinya, bawahannya atau yang dipimpinnya
Tempatnya luas dan indah. Dipintu keluar banyak pedagang. Jika ingin berbelanja pilih di bagian akhir, jgn belanja dibagian awal krn banyak pedagang asongan yg akan berebut menawarkan produk.
The biggest Buddhist temple in South East of Asia and one of wonders building world heritage list, Borobudur Temple. Easy to get there from Yogyakarta, Indonesia En savoir plus
Exit Through the Gift Shop, or in this case, a maze of stalls. If you care about your souvenir budget, buy at the stalls in the middle/near the exit. But you’d have to first know where that exit is 😂
Water spout/drajns. To prevent flooding, 100 spouts were installed, each with a unique carved gargoyle in the shape of a giant or makara. Source: Wikipedia
Great temple. But I prefer Angkor Wat more! Pretty expensive for foreigners (USD20) with a small scale temple. I finished all levels in 3 hours. Recommended with local guide.
Worth staying at the local hotel and doing the sunrise tour. The place is magnificent and it reminds us how special this world is. Well worth the trip!
You have to come before 5 am. And access to temple through Manohara Resort only, gate open at 4 am. Paid IDR 250000 for local tourist & IDR 350000 for foreign tourist included coffee break & snack.
A short walk from the bus station. Try to go as early as possible. It gets hot early. Viewing the main temple at a leisurely pace takes about 2-3 hours.
MUST VISIT: Catch the sunrise or sunset from one of Indonesia's iconic sites. Sit under a tree at the foot of Borobudur and enjoy the picturesque view.
Located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Borobudur Temple was built by Sailendra dynasty between 750 and 842 AD. UNESCO added the monument to its list of World Heritage Sites in 1991, and has been of great influence in restoring the monument to its former glory.
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