
1. Place de la Vieille-Ville

(Staroměstské náměstí)
Staroměstské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Place · 515 conseils et avis

Sony Xperia™ FootballSony Xperia™ Football: Once Prague's main marketplace - now a haven of shops and cafes - listen out for the fanfare on the hour.

2. Place Venceslas

(Václavské náměstí)
Václavské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Place · Nové Město · 286 conseils et avis

Henry L.Henry Lee: Wenceslas Square is dominated by shops, restos, & cafés. SE end: Wenceslas statue, memorials to the victims of communism, the National Museum, & Metro station Muzeum. NW and more open end: shopping.

3. Pont Charles

(Karlův most)
Karlův most, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Pont · Malá Strana · 813 conseils et avis

Marina N.Marina Natanova: Just the most amazing view in Prague and one of the most charming bridges in the world

4. Château de Prague

(Pražský hrad)
Pražský hrad, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Château · Hradčany · 488 conseils et avis A visit to Prague won't be complete without making a stop to this castle, the largest in the world. Aside from looking at the amazing detail, don't miss the changing of the guard happening every hour.

5. Stromovka

Královská obora, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Praha 7 · 137 conseils et avis

Vincent H.Vincent Harney: Really beautiful and tranquil park - by the Exnibition grounds and can walk over to the Zoo

6. Socha svatého Václava

Václavské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Sculpture extérieure · Václavské náměstí · 43 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: By J. V. Myslbek, and the image of Wenceslas is accompanied by other Czech patron saints carved into the ornate statue base: St. Ludmila, St. Agnes of Bohemia, St. Prokop, and St. Adalbert of Prague.

7. Letenské sady

Letenské sady, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Holešovice · 132 conseils et avis

MAD DAWN ChallengeMAD DAWN Challenge: A haven for picknicks, roller blading, biking and walks. The park's elevation allows for great views over the city. You can also walk all the way to the Royal Summer Gardens from there!

8. Horloge astronomique de Prague

(Pražský orloj)
Staroměstské nám. 4, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Monument · Staré Město · 423 conseils et avis

Diego C.Diego Carreño: Wait for the exact hour the guys play the trumpet to the crowd in the tower

9. Cathédrale Saint-Guy

(Katedrála sv. Víta)
III. nádvoří 48/2 (Vikářská), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Église · Hradčany · 273 conseils et avis This beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral within the Prague Castle is a must-see. Aside from the amazing rose window and towering spires, also don't miss the Crown Chamber and the Royal Crypt.

10. Petřínská rozhledna | Petřín Lookout Tower

Petřínské sady 633a, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Belvédère / Panorama · Malá Strana · 156 conseils et avis This structure similar to the Eiffel Tower is one of the best places in Prague to get an amazing view of the beautiful Prague skyline. Also stop by the museum of Jara Cimrman on your way out.

11. Vyšehrad

V Pevnosti, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Site historique et protégé · Praha 2 · 203 conseils et avis This beautiful and historic castle on a hill over the Vltava River is a must-see for all Prague visitors. This is home to the Vyšehrad Cemetery and the neo-Gothic Basilica of St Peter and St Paul.

12. Střelecký ostrov

Střelecký ostrov (Most Legií), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Île · Malá Strana · 66 conseils et avis

Typena M.Typena Mehere: Great place for romantic evening

13. Théâtre national

(Národní divadlo)
Národní 225/1 (Masarykovo nábř.), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Théâtre · Praha 1 · 73 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: The National Theatre in Prague is known as the Alma Mater of Czech opera, and as the national monument of Czech history and art. Today consists of three artistic ensembles – opera, ballet and drama.

14. Petřínské sady | Petřín Gardens

Újezd, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Malá Strana · 82 conseils et avis Lined with parks, gardens, and other spots of recreation, this spot in Prague is where you can relax and admire the views. You can take a funicular to get here. Don't miss the famous look-out tower.

15. Prašná brána

nám. Republiky 5 (Celetná), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Site historique et protégé · Staré Město · 93 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Dating from 1475, the Powder Tower was built as one of 13 gates to the city. By the 17th century, it was being used as a gunpowder storage facility - it was at this time that it developed its name.

16. Národní muzeum

Václavské nám. 1700/68, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Musée · Praha 2 · 61 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: The National Museum, the oldest museum institution in Bohemia, was established as a “national museum” in 1818 by the ceremonial declaration of the of aristocracy on 15th April.

17. Národní technické muzeum | National Technical Museum

Kostelní 1320/42, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Musée des sciences · Holešovice · 112 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Is the largest institution dedicated to preserving information and artifacts related to the history of technology in the Czech Republic. The museum was founded in 1908.

18. Ruelle d’or

(Zlatá ulička)
Zlatá ulička u Daliborky, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Route · Hradčany · 105 conseils et avis If you're visiting the Prague castle complex, you must not miss this interesting and historic street. These small houses were made for castle guards, and writer Franz Kafka also lived here in 1916.

19. Lennonova zeď

Velkopřevorské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Art de rue · Malá Strana · 134 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Since the 1980s it has been filled with John Lennon-inspired graffiti and pieces of lyrics from Beatles songs. In 1988, the wall was a source of irritation for the communist regime.

20. Zoo de Prague

(Zoo Praha)
U Trojského zámku 120/3, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Zoo · Praha-Troja · 359 conseils et avis This has been considered as one of the best zoos in the world, so you're sure to have an amazing time here. The petting zoo, play areas, and over 4,000 animals will entertain both kids and adults.

21. Obecní dům

nám. Republiky 1090/5, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Structure · Staré Město · 84 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Architects Osvald Polívka and Antonín Balšánek, who served as much as artistic coordinators as designers. Construction started in 1905 and it opened in 1912.

22. Maison dansante

(Tančící dům)
Jiráskovo nám. 1981/6 (Rašínovo nábř.), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Structure · Nové Město · 107 conseils et avis This is an architectural wonder that shouldn't be missed by all Prague visitors. Designed by Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunić, this is one of the finest examples of deconstructivist architecture.

23. Loreta

Loretánské nám. 100/7, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Église · Hradčany · 22 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: It consists of a cloister, the church of the Lord’s Birth, a Holy Hut and the clock tower with a famous chime. The construction had started in 1626 and the Holy Hut was blessed on March 25, 1631.

24. Strahovský klášter | Strahov Monastery

Strahovské nádvoří 132/1, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Monastère · Hradčany · 53 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Premonstratensian abbey founded in 1149 by Bishop Jindřich Zdík, Bishop John of Prague, and Prince Vladislav II. It is located in Strahov.

25. Žižkov television tower

Mahlerovy sady 1, Praha 3, Prague ville-capitale
Monument · Praha 3 · 164 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Tower is a unique transmitter tower built between 1985 and 1992. Designed by architect Václav Aulický and structural engineer Jiří Kozák. The tower is an example of high-tech architecture.

26. Národní památník na Vítkově

U Památníku 1900, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Lieu de mémoire · Praha 3 · 55 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Was built in the years 1928–1938 in honour of the legionaries. After 1948, it was used to promote national ideology and regime. The Mausoleum of Klement Gottwald was established here in 1953.

27. Kampa

Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Île · Malá Strana · 90 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Kampa is an island in the Vltava river in central Prague on the side of Malá Strana. Charles Bridge crosses its northern tip and is connected to the island by the street Ulice na Kampě.

Jardin de Wallenstein is one of Prague.

28. Jardin de Wallenstein

(Valdštejnská zahrada)
Valdštejnské nám. 17/4 (Valdštejnská 17/3), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin · Hradčany · 60 conseils et avis
Královská zahrada is one of Prague.

29. Královská zahrada

Mariánské hradby (U Prašného mostu), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin · Hradčany · 17 conseils et avis
Františkánská zahrada is one of Prague.

30. Františkánská zahrada

Jungmannovo nám. (Vodičkova), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin · Praha 1 · 83 conseils et avis
Kinského zahrada is one of Prague.

31. Kinského zahrada

Nám. Kinských (Holečkova), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Smíchov · 20 conseils et avis
Ledeburská zahrada | Ledebour Garden is one of Prague.

32. Ledeburská zahrada | Ledebour Garden

Valdštejnská 156/12a, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin · Hradčany · 2 conseils et avis
Seminářská zahrada is one of Prague.

33. Seminářská zahrada

Seminářská zahrada (Petřín), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Malá Strana · 2 conseils et avis
Rajská zahrada is one of Prague.

34. Rajská zahrada

U Rajské zahrady 809/14, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Parc · Praha 3 · 15 conseils et avis
Květnice is one of Prague.

35. Květnice

Petřín, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin · Smíchov · Ni conseil ni avis
Botanická zahrada Praha is one of Prague.

36. Botanická zahrada Praha

Trojská 800/196, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Jardin botanique · Praha-Troja · 39 conseils et avis
Zoo de Prague is one of Prague.

37. Zoo de Prague

(Zoo Praha)
U Trojského zámku 120/3, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Zoo · Praha-Troja · 359 conseils et avis
ROXY/NoD is one of Prague.

38. ROXY/NoD

Dlouhá 731/33 (Rybná), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Discothèque · Staré Město · 167 conseils et avis
Bílá labuť is one of Prague.

39. Bílá labuť

Na Poříčí 1068/23, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Centre commercial · Nové Město · 22 conseils et avis

40. Olšanské hřbitovy

Vinohradská 1835/153, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Cimetière · Praha 3 · 10 conseils et avis

Michael S.Michael Starsman: Often overlooked by expats are Prague's beautiful Cemeteries. Definitely worth a walk on a nice day. Trust me on this.

41. Starý židovský hřbitov | Old Jewish Cemetery

Široká 23/3, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Cimetière · Staré Město · 42 conseils et avis

Michael S.Michael Starsman: Kind of synonymous with Prague's tourism industry, I consider the Jewish Cemetery a must-see. It's quite expensive unless you have an open card, so I advise busting it out for a hefty discount.

Lennonova zeď is one of Prague.

42. Lennonova zeď

Velkopřevorské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Art de rue · Malá Strana · 134 conseils et avis

43. Comics Point

Anglická 565/14, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Magasin de bandes dessinées et de livres · Praha 2 · 27 conseils et avis

Keith M.Keith Moon: Pleasures too guilty II.

44. Pražská náplavka | Vltava Riverside

Novoměstská náplavka, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Front de mer · Praha 2 · 153 conseils et avis

Keith M.Keith Moon: One more reason to never leave Prague.