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VOX Hotel
Lantmätargränd 2C, 553 20 Jönköping
"Comfortable beds! Fresh and clean rooms. It has a smaller space than other hotels but the bed and the bathroom makes up for it. Great service too! Somewhat limited offering of channels on the TV."
Comfort Hotel
Klostergatan 28
"Det finns alltid gratis kaffe i hotellreceptionen!"
Huskvarna Stadshotell
Erik Dahlbergsgatan 20 (at Linnégatan)
"Nice service and breakfast. Just a tip don't forget your key card on Sunday as there will be no receptionist in the hotel on Sunday. You need the key card to access the main entrance."
Crée par Gunnar Svedenlund
111 éléments
Clarion F. E. Elmgrens G. 5
Clarion Collection Hotel Cardinal Bäckgatan 10
Clarion Collection Hotel Majoren Trädgårdsgatan 5
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