Hello CLE: Saver
Duo Home is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

1. Duo Home

6507 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH
Magasin d'ameublement et de décoration intérieure · Detroit - Shoreway · 1 conseil

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: Most sale items are typically marked down by 50 percent. When we visited, we found an assortment of throw pillows tagged at just $15 a pop.

Detroit Antiques is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

2. Detroit Antiques

5015 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH
Boutique d'antiquités · Detroit - Shoreway · 1 conseil

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: The owner loves to bargain. He sold us a pair of glass horse bookends priced at $48 for $25.

3. Deering Vintage

1836 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH
Boutique vintage et friperie · Ohio City · 6 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: Vintage maven Cynthia Deering, formerly of Sweet Lorain, downsizes to a slim Ohio City storefront.

Cowell & Hubbard is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

4. Cowell & Hubbard

1305 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH
Restaurant américain · Downtown Cleveland · 22 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: Happy hour runs 4:30 to 6:30 each afternoon and again from 9 p.m. until the restaurant closes. We got three shared appetizers and a total of four drinks for less than $50 with tip.

Playhouse Square is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

5. Playhouse Square

1501 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH
Complexe des arts de la scène · Downtown Cleveland · 40 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: When we saw "Memphis," we got seats in row JJ of the main level for $20 through the Smart Seats program. ($10 Smart Seats are also available in the balcony and for a wider range of shows).

Rockefeller Park Greenhouse is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

6. Rockefeller Park Greenhouse

750 E 88th St, Cleveland, OH
Jardin botanique · 10 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: This free attraction isn't usually that busy during the week, giving you a chance to explore peacefully at your own speed.

Unique Thrift is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

7. Unique Thrift

3333 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH
Boutique vintage et friperie · Ohio City · 16 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: The entire store is 50 percent off every Monday to make room for new goods.

Sweet Lorain is one of Hello CLE: Saver.

8. Sweet Lorain

7105 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH
Boutique vintage et friperie · Detroit - Shoreway · 6 conseils et avis

Cleveland MagazineCleveland Magazine: This 8,000-square-foot space is packed full, so make sure you give yourself enough time during your visit to properly explore the place.