Roadtrip Greece to Germany
Znak pitanja (?) is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

1. Znak pitanja (?)

Kralja Petra 6 (Kneza Sime Markovića), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant d'Europe de l'Est · Stari Grad · 182 conseils et avis
Kalemegdan is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

2. Kalemegdan

Kalemegdan bb, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Château · Kalemegdan · 170 conseils et avis
Moritz Eis is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

3. Moritz Eis

Vuka Karadžića 9 (Cara Lazara), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Marchand de glaces · Stari Grad · 288 conseils et avis
Villa Maska is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

4. Villa Maska

Rankeova 7, Belgrade
Restaurant · Neimar · 205 conseils et avis
Knez Mihailova is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

5. Knez Mihailova

Knez Mihailova, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Zone piétonne · Stari Grad · 265 conseils et avis
Lorenzo & Kakalamba is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

6. Lorenzo & Kakalamba

Cvijićeva 110 (Vladetina), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant · Vukov Spomenik · 438 conseils et avis
Skadarlija is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

7. Skadarlija

Skadarska, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Zone piétonne · Stari Grad · 154 conseils et avis
Crna ovca is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

8. Crna ovca

Kralja Petra 58 (btw Zmaja od Noćaja and Gospodar Jevremova), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Marchand de glaces · Dorćol · 191 conseils et avis
Bar Central is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

9. Bar Central

Kralja Petra 59 (Zmaja od Noćaja), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Bar à cocktail · Dorćol · 179 conseils et avis
Mandarina is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

10. Mandarina

Gračanička 16 (Nikole Spasića), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Lieu servant des desserts · Stari Grad · 119 conseils et avis
Parc Kalemegdanski is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

11. Parc Kalemegdanski

(Калемегдански парк)
Kalemegdan (Kalemegdan), Dorćol, Serbie centrale
Parc · Kalemegdan, Belgrade · 158 conseils et avis
Wine Art Podrum is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

12. Wine Art Podrum

Višnjićeva 7 (Gospodar Jevremova), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Bar à vins · Dorćol · 79 conseils et avis
Toro is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

13. Toro

Karađorđeva 2-4 (Obala majora Dragutina Gavrilovića), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant latino-américain · Kalemegdan · 425 conseils et avis
Franš is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

14. Franš

Bulevar oslobođenja 18a, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant · Savski Venac · 137 conseils et avis
Homa is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

15. Homa

Žorža Klemansoa 19, Dorćol, Serbie centrale
Restaurant · 109 conseils et avis
To je to! is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

16. To je to!

Bulevar despota Stefana 21 (Cetinjska), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant de cuisine au barbecue · Stari Grad · 108 conseils et avis
Madera is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

17. Madera

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 43 (Desanke Maksimović), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant d'Europe de l'Est · Tašmajdan · 136 conseils et avis
Walter is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

18. Walter

Strahinjića bana 57 (Kneginje Ljubice), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant de cuisine au barbecue · Stari Grad · 243 conseils et avis
Smokvica is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

19. Smokvica

Kralja Petra 73, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Bistro · Dorćol · 423 conseils et avis
Meduza is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

20. Meduza

Gospodar Jevremova 6 (Cara Uroša), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Café · Dorćol · 82 conseils et avis
Blaznavac is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

21. Blaznavac

Kneginje Ljubice 18 (Gospodar Jevremova), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Café · Stari Grad · 308 conseils et avis
Koffein is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

22. Koffein

Cara Lazara 13 (Uskočka 8), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Coffee Shop · Stari Grad · 285 conseils et avis
Pržionica | Пржионица is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

23. Pržionica | Пржионица

Dobračina 59b (Dunavska), Dorćol, Serbie centrale
Coffee Shop · Dorćol, Belgrade · 106 conseils et avis
Aviator Coffee Explorer is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

24. Aviator Coffee Explorer

Gundulićev venac 59a, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Coffee Shop · Stari Grad · 49 conseils et avis
Kafeterija | Кафетерија is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

25. Kafeterija | Кафетерија

Žorža Klemansoa 10 (Senjanina Ive), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Coffee Shop · Stari Grad · 117 conseils et avis
Stara Ljubljana is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

26. Stara Ljubljana

Cankarjevo nabrežje, Ljubljana
Site historique et protégé · 11 conseils et avis
Čompa is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

27. Čompa

Trubarjeva 40, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Restaurant-grill · 46 conseils et avis
Tromostovje is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

28. Tromostovje

Prešernov Trg, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Pont · 35 conseils et avis
Hood Burger is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

29. Hood Burger

Jamova cesta 105 (Interspar Vič), Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Lieu servant des hamburgers · 61 conseils et avis
Gostilna Pri Stričku is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

30. Gostilna Pri Stričku

Kodrova ul. 8, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Restaurant · 28 conseils et avis
Cubo is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

31. Cubo

Šmartinska c. 55, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Restaurant · 34 conseils et avis
Château de Ljubljana is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

32. Château de Ljubljana

(Ljubljanski Grad)
Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Château · 139 conseils et avis
Pritličje is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

33. Pritličje

Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Café · 37 conseils et avis
Cafetino is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

34. Cafetino

Stari trg 5, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Coffee Shop · Center · 47 conseils et avis
Le Petit Café is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

35. Le Petit Café

Trg Francoske Revolucije 4 (Križanke), Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Café · 168 conseils et avis
Gostilnica 5-6 kg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

36. Gostilnica 5-6 kg

Gornji trg 33, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Restaurant d'Europe de l'Est · 37 conseils et avis
Kongresni trg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

37. Kongresni trg

Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Place · 30 conseils et avis
Prešernov trg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

38. Prešernov trg

Prešernov trg, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Place · 39 conseils et avis
TOZD is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

39. TOZD

Gallusovo nabrežje 27, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Bar · 70 conseils et avis
A Most Unusual Garden is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

40. A Most Unusual Garden

Horvaćanska 3, Knežija, Grad Zagreb
Bar à cocktail · 21 conseils et avis
Jazz Café is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

41. Jazz Café

Stjepana Ljubića Vojvode 26, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Trešnjevka – jug · 18 conseils et avis
Amélie is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

42. Amélie

Vlaška 6, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Lieu servant des desserts · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 103 conseils et avis
Pri Zvoncu is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

43. Pri Zvoncu

XII. Vrbik 1, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Restaurant de cuisine au barbecue · Vrbik · 60 conseils et avis
Kim's Coffee is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

44. Kim's Coffee

Petrova 21, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Petrova · 47 conseils et avis
Cogito Coffee is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

45. Cogito Coffee

Varšavska ulica 11 (Obrtnički prolaz), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Coffee Shop · Donji Grad · 39 conseils et avis
Magazinska Klet is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

46. Magazinska Klet

Magazinska 7, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Restaurant de cuisine au barbecue · Trešnjevka - sjever · 32 conseils et avis
Grill Žar is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

47. Grill Žar

Huge Badalića 19, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Restaurant de cuisine au barbecue · Trešnjevka - sjever · 46 conseils et avis
Cremme Zagreb is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

48. Cremme Zagreb

Ivana Tkalčića 21, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Lieu servant des desserts · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 119 conseils et avis
Eli's Caffe is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

49. Eli's Caffe

Ilica 63, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Tuškanac · 52 conseils et avis
Britanski trg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

50. Britanski trg

Britanski trg, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Place · Tuškanac · 15 conseils et avis
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

51. Trg bana Josipa Jelačića

Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Place · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 84 conseils et avis
Balkan Grill Walter (1. Salzburger Bosna Grill) is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

52. Balkan Grill Walter (1. Salzburger Bosna Grill)

Getreidegasse 33 (Universitätsplatz 2), Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Stand de hot-dogs · 29 conseils et avis
BURGERISTA is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.


Griesgasse 15, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Lieu servant des hamburgers · 84 conseils et avis
Alchimiste Belge is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

54. Alchimiste Belge

Bergstr. 10, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Bar à bières · 34 conseils et avis
220 Grad is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

55. 220 Grad

Chiemseegasse 5, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Coffee Shop · 126 conseils et avis
Augustiner Bräu is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

56. Augustiner Bräu

Lindhofstraße 7, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Brasseur · 97 conseils et avis
Festung Hohensalzburg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

57. Festung Hohensalzburg

Festungsgasse (Festungsweg), Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Château · 172 conseils et avis
Mozartplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

58. Mozartplatz

Mozartplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 35 conseils et avis
Bärenwirt is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

59. Bärenwirt

Müllner Hauptstr. 8, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Restaurant autrichien · 83 conseils et avis
Kaffee Alchemie is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

60. Kaffee Alchemie

Rudolfskai 38, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Café · 58 conseils et avis
St. Peter Stiftskulinarium is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

61. St. Peter Stiftskulinarium

St. Peter Bezirk 1/4, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Restaurant autrichien · Neben Dom, direkt neben Kirche zu St.Peter · 67 conseils et avis
Schloss Mirabell is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

62. Schloss Mirabell

Mirabellplatz 4, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Palais · 16 conseils et avis
Triangel is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

63. Triangel

Wiener Philarmonikergasse 7, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Restaurant autrichien · 73 conseils et avis
Uspinjača is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

64. Uspinjača

Tomićeva (Ilica), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Funiculaire · Gornji Grad · 17 conseils et avis
Little Bay is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

65. Little Bay

Dositejeva 9a, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Restaurant · Stari Grad · 439 conseils et avis
Express Bar is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

66. Express Bar

Petrinjska 4, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Coffee Shop · Donji Grad · 74 conseils et avis
Dežman is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

67. Dežman

Dežmanova ul. 3, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Tuškanac · 42 conseils et avis
Čajna Hiša Pod Velbom is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

68. Čajna Hiša Pod Velbom

Stari trg 3, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Salon de thé · Center · 69 conseils et avis
Slovenska Hiša is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

69. Slovenska Hiša

Cankarjevo nabrežje 13, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Bistro · 43 conseils et avis
Lac de Bled is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

70. Lac de Bled

(Blejsko jezero)
Blejsko Jezero, Bled, Občina Bled
Lac · 144 conseils et avis
Pustolovski Park Bled (Adventure Park Bled) is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

71. Pustolovski Park Bled (Adventure Park Bled)

Ljubljanska c. 1, Bled, Občina Bled
Parc d'attractions · Ni conseil ni avis
Dinopark Bled is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

72. Dinopark Bled

Alpska cesta 110, Lesce, Radovljica
Parc d'attractions · Ni conseil ni avis
Zum Eulenspiegel is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

73. Zum Eulenspiegel

Vis A Vis Hofladen (Mozarts Geburtshaus), Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Restaurant autrichien · 14 conseils et avis
Residenzplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

74. Residenzplatz

Residenzplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 15 conseils et avis
Domplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

75. Domplatz

Dom-Platz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 9 conseils et avis
Getreidegasse is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

76. Getreidegasse

Getreidegasse, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Site historique et protégé · 19 conseils et avis
Kapitel-Platz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

77. Kapitel-Platz

Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 9 conseils et avis
Rathausplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

78. Rathausplatz

Rathausplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 2 conseils et avis
Mirabellplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

79. Mirabellplatz

Mirabellplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 22 conseils et avis
Alter Markt is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

80. Alter Markt

Alter Markt, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · 2 conseils et avis
Intergalactic Diner is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

81. Intergalactic Diner

Internacionalnih Brigada 22 (Braničevska), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Diner · Neimar · 363 conseils et avis
Millennium is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

82. Millennium

Mirka Bogovića 7, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Marchand de glaces · Donji Grad · 106 conseils et avis
Zagreb is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

83. Zagreb

Ville · 43 conseils et avis
Zagrebačka katedrala is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

84. Zagrebačka katedrala

Kaptol 6, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Église · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 33 conseils et avis
Juice Box is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

85. Juice Box

Ilica, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Bar à jus · Gornji Grad · 2 conseils et avis
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

86. Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons

Pot za Brdom 4, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Hôtel · 36 conseils et avis
Ljubljana is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

87. Ljubljana

Ville · 65 conseils et avis
Blejski Grad | Bled Castle is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

88. Blejski Grad | Bled Castle

Grajska c. 61, Bled, Občina Bled
Château · 116 conseils et avis
Petrol is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

89. Petrol

Ljubljanska c. 30, Bled, Občina Bled
Station-service · Ni conseil ni avis
Grenzübergang Schlatten - Jesenice is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

90. Grenzübergang Schlatten - Jesenice

Schlatten, Lower Austria
Frontière · 1 conseil
Parkplatz Rossegg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

91. Parkplatz Rossegg

E61, Kleinberg, Carinthie
Aire de repos · 1 conseil
Shell is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

92. Shell

Gew. Geb. Gasthof Nord 23, Eben im Pongau, Salzbourg
Station-service · 3 conseils et avis
Makartsteg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

93. Makartsteg

Elisabethkai (Makartsteg), Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Pont · 11 conseils et avis
Salzach is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

94. Salzach

Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Rivière · 10 conseils et avis
Altstadt is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

95. Altstadt

Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Quartier · 11 conseils et avis

96. Parkgarage Raiffeisen

Schwarzstraße 13-15, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Parking · 1 conseil
Universitätsplatz is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

97. Universitätsplatz

Universitätsplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Place · Ni conseil ni avis
Salzbourg is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

98. Salzbourg

Ville · 77 conseils et avis
Salzburger Dom is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

99. Salzburger Dom

Domplatz, Salzbourg, Salzbourg
Église · 29 conseils et avis
Gazprom | BS Fontana is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

100. Gazprom | BS Fontana

Auto-put E-75 bb, Gornja Toponica
Station-service · Ni conseil ni avis
Република Србија is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

101. Република Србија

Pays  · 22 conseils et avis
Naplatna stanica Vrčin is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

102. Naplatna stanica Vrčin

Auto-put E-75 bb (Mileta Cerovca), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Barrière de péage · Vrčin · 11 conseils et avis
Stari grad is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

103. Stari grad

Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Quartier · 28 conseils et avis
Red Bread is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

104. Red Bread

Obilićev venac 22, Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Sandwicherie · Stari Grad · 416 conseils et avis
Skadarska is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

105. Skadarska

Skadarska (btw Braće Jugović and Đorđa Jovanovića), Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Route · Stari Grad · 1 conseil
Ana's AirBnB is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

106. Ana's AirBnB

Belgrade, Serbie centrale
Chambre d'hôtes · Stari Grad · 1 conseil
Monocycle Specialty Coffee Shop is one of Roadtrip Greece to Germany.

107. Monocycle Specialty Coffee Shop

Kneza Mislava 17, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Coffee Shop · Donji Grad · 5 conseils et avis