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The Original El Taco

The Original El Taco

Restaurant mexicain et Restaurant de tacos$$$$
Virginia Highland, Atlanta
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  • Bobby N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Bobby NooromidAvril 4, 2017
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Solid go-to for brunch, lunch or dinner with friendly staff, great service, outdoor seating, a salsa bar, and delicious cocktails. Make sure to get a Fifth Group card to use at their different spots.
  • Ayesha G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Ayesha G.Août 8, 2014
    Finally found a taco that measures up to my Texas expectations....this place is a must try if you are looking for good Texas style tacos. The fried chicken is delicious and so is the queso & guac!!
  • Atlanta Food & Wine Festival
    Chef Wolitzky will investigate Challah, Babka, Coffee Cake & Rugelach and how these breads and pastries symbolize great moments with family in the South at Atlanta Food & Wine Festival 5/29-6/1. En savoir plus
  • Joy C.
    Joy CameronJuillet 27, 2014
    The smoked chicken and chorizo tacos are divine. 😍😍😍 This place makes you leaving here wanting more. The chalkboard menu has great options as well.
  • Matt D.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Matt DermodyNovembre 30, 2018
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Short Stack and Fried Chicken tacos are solid. Specials are generally fun as well. $5 Margs on Thursday
  • AJC
    AJCMai 13, 2015
    After a few spins of the wheel, and an order of queso royale, we dive into a frozen mojito. And it's just what it sounds like - rum, mint and lime, blended and served frozen.
  • 365Atlanta.comIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    365Atlanta.comMai 18, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Truly the best sangria in town. The traditional red wine and fruit juice with chunks on fresh fruit on the rocks...with a little rum for good measure! You'll love it - and you'll thank me.
  • Eater
    EaterJuillet 15, 2016
    There aren't many places that offer chicken liver tacos, but this Virginia-Highland restaurant is one of them. En savoir plus
  • TJIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    TJFévrier 19, 2013
    Definitely try the Roasted Chicken Taco and the Home-made Chorizo Taco. Definitely two of my favorites. And the salsa is good too.
  • alem e.
    alem e.Décembre 17, 2012
    ...gotta try the fish taco...pork taco...hell all their tacos...even the veggie taco is good and im a meat lover so you know it has to be good...
  • 365Atlanta.comIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    365Atlanta.comNovembre 14, 2010
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    The perfect El Taco meal: lime-salted chips with fresh guac & queso, a fried chicken taco & a pork carnitas taco, and a pitcher of the best sangria in town. You'll thank me!
  • Christina W.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    The fried chicken taco is to die for. Don't forget to order chips so you can try out all of their salsas from the salsa bar.
  • Tim L.
    Tim LampeJanvier 7, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Right after biting into a fried chicken taco, your life will flash before your eyes. Mainly because you'll wonder how you went this long in your life without this taco.
  • Charles S.
    Charles SimmonsJanvier 24, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    focus on the box at the top left of the menu, this is where the real gems of the menu are; the sope, crispy tamale, etc... or just grab the short stack, you can't go wrong with that.
  • Andrea C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Andrea ClevengerJuin 6, 2015
    Don't forget to hit up the salsa bar! The Demonic mango, habanero salsa is legit! Flavorful and spicy!!
  • Sam L.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Sam LackFévrier 14, 2019
    The white chicken chili (on special) was good, and the fried chicken taco delicious! Great variety of salsas.
  • TJIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    TJFévrier 19, 2013
    I can't remember what type of margarita this is, but it's not the house nor the Texas one. It's a lot stronger. I think Aguva or whatever is in it. All I know is I like it.
  • Matt D.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Matt DermodyNovembre 30, 2018
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Off menu spicy margarita called the El-apeño is the move.
  • Chris W.
    Chris WebbJanvier 20, 2010
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    I love El Taco and have eaten here many times. If you are looking for something different, check out D.B.A. BBQ next door. They have great BBQ and great service. A must in Virginia Highlands! En savoir plus
  • Timothy B.
    Timothy BallistyJanvier 3, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Great guacamole here - I dare say some of the best in Atlanta. Chips are solid however recently the tasty seasoning on the chips has been missing. Bring it back! Hopefully it was just temporary.
  • TV Food Maps
    TV Food MapsOctobre 7, 2015
    Check out The Original El Taco as it was featured on Taco Trip for Mexican and southern fusion. En savoir plus
  • Chad E.
    Chad ElkinsAvril 14, 2011
    Have you ever eaten cactus? Yes...cactus! The veggie taco is one of my favorites in town and contains this unique and delicious ingredient.
  • Pete W.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Pete WeimannFévrier 19, 2016
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Wide variety of tasty margaritas and tequilas. Thumbs up on Mexican pizza.
  • Oakland Cemetery
    Oakland CemeteryNovembre 4, 2010
    Crave from the Grave: Can't resist getting the fried chicken, Mexican chorizo, and pork carnitas tacos...and washing it all down with a real Mexican Coke float!
  • AJC
    AJCAoût 1, 2014
    It embodies a dignity Sala never could claim while retaining a totally casual attitude -- the kind of place where families feel as at home as frat boys. En savoir plus
  • Cheapism
    CheapismMars 4, 2011
    Their fried chicken tacos are delicious, the salsa bar is expansive, and the frozen mojitos are nice and strong. Taco’s are from $2.95 to $3.95. En savoir plus
  • Chris Y.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Chris YatesJuillet 13, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 25 fois
    Danny, Wes, et al will steer you straight with a salsa trio & jalapeño margarita! Don't miss out...
  • Jeff R.
    Jeff Reine 🌧Janvier 19, 2019
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Be here on the hour when they spin the Wheel of Taco 🌮
  • Elle G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Elle GreenMai 11, 2015
    The food was "meh" to me.They didn't have the tequila I wanted.The waiter kept rushing us to order & they forget to give us our "wheel" tickets. I liked that they put radishes in our guacamole though.
  • Atlanta on the Cheap
    Check in on Sat/Sun from 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., & you'll get a free house margarita. (starts at 12:30 p.m. on Sundays)
  • CJ A.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    CJ ArmourJuillet 17, 2019
    Tacos are a bit pricey, but worth it.
  • Matt S.
    Matt SellersAvril 20, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    The fried chicken taco is fantastic, but the smoked chicken is a good sleeper pick.
  • Ayesha G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Ayesha G.Août 30, 2014
    Fried chicken tacos. Best queso I have had in Atlanta
  • Austin R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Austin RussellJuillet 17, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 100 fois
    Definitely try the new BLTaco. The Red Fish taco is not to shabby either.
  • Molly S.
    Molly SandmanJuillet 7, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    The jalapeño margarita is delicious!
  • Alex R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Alex RavenelAvril 21, 2016
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    The chips are awesome. Try not to fill up on them.
  • Dee B.
    Dee BNovembre 4, 2012
    Their tacos are great and drinks are creative! Go and enjoy yourself!
  • Michelle F.
    Michelle FordMai 31, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    The sangria and classic trio is the perfect fix for a long day.
  • Austin R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Austin RussellAvril 29, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 100 fois
    Nacho libre: thursday nights 8:30 - 10:30
  • 4sqATL
    4sqATLMai 10, 2013
    Thank you to The Original El Taco for being a 2013 Atlanta Foursquare Day sponsor. En savoir plus
  • Belinda A.
    Belinda AllenMars 24, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    I love the fish tacos. Not spicy, just delicious!
  • HelencarnateIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    HelencarnateMai 27, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    Fried chicken tacos and fried fish tacos. Fried deliciousness.
  • Julie J.
    Julie JEWELeSJuin 22, 2012
    Try the Caipirinha, Different Salsas, & Chips - Watching the #NBAFINALS & grubbing!
  • Micah
    MicahJanvier 12, 2014
    The fried chicken tacos are delicious!
  • Sunny -
    Sunny -Janvier 29, 2013
    Danny is great. Love the El Feature drink:)
  • Tyler
    TylerJuin 16, 2010
    It's hard to make chips and salsa this amazing, but they do it. (it's the mix of lime salt, smokey salsa, and meth, I think...)
  • Tim T.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Tim TFévrier 12, 2016
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Fried chicken tacos are the best!
  • Julie J.
    Julie JEWELeSJuin 22, 2012
    Try the Carnitas, Veggie, & Smoked Trout Tacos - My meal!
  • Steve T.
    Steve ToneyMars 9, 2012
    Danny is the best server I've ever had. So nice and knowledgable.
  • Brian H.
    Brian HewittFévrier 17, 2013
    Hot with the toddler crowd. (Seriously, how many under 3 year old kids are there in here right now?)
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  • the original el taco virginia highland atlanta

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