Germany trip
Viktualienmarkt is one of Germany trip.

1. Viktualienmarkt

Viktualienmarkt, Munich, Bavière
Marché · Altstadt · 209 conseils et avis
Man versus Machine Coffee Roasters is one of Germany trip.

2. Man versus Machine Coffee Roasters

Müllerstr. 23 (Kolosseumstr.), Munich, Bavière
Torréfacteur · Glockenbach · 182 conseils et avis
Olympiaturm is one of Germany trip.

3. Olympiaturm

Spiridon-Louis-Ring 7, Munich, Bavière
Belvédère / Panorama · Milbertshofen-Am Hart · 66 conseils et avis
Zephyr Bar is one of Germany trip.

4. Zephyr Bar

Baaderstr. 68, Munich, Bavière
Bar à cocktail · Gärtnerplatz · 75 conseils et avis
Château Nymphenburg is one of Germany trip.

5. Château Nymphenburg

(Schloss Nymphenburg)
Schloß Nymphenburg 1 (Schloßrondell), Munich, Bavière
Palais · Nymphenburg · 132 conseils et avis
Asamkirche (St. Johann Nepomuk) is one of Germany trip.

6. Asamkirche (St. Johann Nepomuk)

Sendlinger Str. 32, Munich, Bavière
Église · Hackenviertel · 31 conseils et avis
Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm is one of Germany trip.

7. Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm

Englischer Garten 3, Munich, Bavière
Café en plein air · Englischer Garten Süd · 186 conseils et avis
Café Schober is one of Germany trip.

8. Café Schober

Napfgasse 4, Zurich, Zurich
Café · Kreis 1 · 131 conseils et avis
Grande Café & Bar is one of Germany trip.

9. Grande Café & Bar

Limmatquai 118, Zurich, Zurich
Bar · Kreis 1 · 54 conseils et avis
Zeughauskeller is one of Germany trip.

10. Zeughauskeller

Bahnhofstrasse 28a, Zurich, Zurich
Restaurant suisse · Lindenhof · 282 conseils et avis
Kunsthaus Zürich is one of Germany trip.

11. Kunsthaus Zürich

Heimplatz 1, Zurich, Zurich
Musée d'art · Kreis 1 · 69 conseils et avis
Uetliberg Aussichtsturm is one of Germany trip.

12. Uetliberg Aussichtsturm

Gratstrasse (Uetliberg), Zurich, Zurich
Belvédère / Panorama · 7 conseils et avis
ViCAFE Bellevue is one of Germany trip.

13. ViCAFE Bellevue

Theaterstrasse 14, Zurich, Zurich
Coffee Shop · Kreis 1 · 28 conseils et avis

14. Seepark

Sundgauallee (Brandensteinstr.), Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Parc · West · 18 conseils et avis

Jaroslawa L.Jaroslawa Lebid: Very nice atmosphere. Clear water,fish,swans,ducks,tortoises and of course many students :)

15. Kastaniengarten

Schlossbergring 3, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Café en plein air · Süd · 25 conseils et avis

Tania M P.Tania M Pollok: Great view over the city. Worth the walk up, but you can also take the Bergbahn from the Schlossgarten at the bottom of the hill.

Münsterplatz is one of Germany trip.

16. Münsterplatz

Münsterplatz, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Place · Altstadt-Mitte · 34 conseils et avis

ElviraElvira: Beautiful location when the weather is nice. In the morning they have a small market. Try a bratwurst!

17. Hausbrauerei Feierling

Gerberau 46 (Augustinerplatz), Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Brasseur · Altstadt-Mitte · 78 conseils et avis

LuckyLucky: The beer is so good! Gorgeous lil beer garden in the city, evenings very@lively, daytime good to chill or even work! 9/10

18. Schlappen

Löwenstr. 2, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Bar · Altstadt-Mitte · 37 conseils et avis

AJ K.AJ Korbel: Beer selection is good, their flat bread pizza is amazing and their potatoes are the best.

19. Freiburger Münster „Unserer Lieben Frau“

Münsterplatz 1, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Église · Altstadt-Mitte · 19 conseils et avis

Best Western Central EuropeBest Western Central Europe: The cathedral in romanesque and gothic style is famous for its two altars. If the wheater is good its worth to climb the stairways to the top for enjoying an excelent view on Freiburg.

20. Schauinsland

Schauinslandstr., Oberried, Bade-Wurtemberg
Montagne · 6 conseils et avis

Island BruinIsland Bruin: Nice walking trails. And we came across a herd of goats with bells. Shades of Heidi.

21. Schwabentor

Schwabentorplatz (Schlossbergring), Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Site historique et protégé · Altstadt-Mitte · 5 conseils et avis

The TasterThe Taster: Nice place to walk around and do some shopping and of course set at one of the greatest coffee shops

22. Beat Bar Butzemann

Eschholzstr. 38, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Bade-Wurtemberg
Bar · Stühlinger · 8 conseils et avis

Niklas M.Niklas Mü: Waldhaus! 'nuff said

Lichtentaler Allee is one of Germany trip.

23. Lichtentaler Allee

Lichtentaler Allee, Baden-Baden, Bade-Wurtemberg
Parc · 17 conseils et avis

Natalie D.Natalie Downe: Everything about this park is so gloriously lovely. Walk from the north to the south, ending in Lichtental. Admire the pretty bridges and the photos of the park from 1900. Take the 201 bus back.

Museum Frieder Burda is one of Germany trip.

24. Museum Frieder Burda

Lichtentaler Allee 8b, Baden-Baden, Bade-Wurtemberg
Musée d'art · 13 conseils et avis

25. Festspielhaus

Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, Baden-Baden, Bade-Wurtemberg
Opéra · 6 conseils et avis

Stephen A.Stephen Anders: Sehr schöne Kantine,Essen ist lecker!!!

Löwenbräu is one of Germany trip.

26. Löwenbräu

Gernsbacher Str. 9, Baden-Baden, Bade-Wurtemberg
Restaurant allemand · 48 conseils et avis

Natalie D.Natalie Downe: Live and very German music, all the portions are hearty and the schnitzel is good! Have a proper weissbier and the sharing platter of hams, pickles and cheeses.

Roomers Baden-Baden is one of Germany trip.

27. Roomers Baden-Baden

Lange Str. 100, Baden-Baden, Bade-Wurtemberg
Hôtel · 11 conseils et avis

Angela L.Angela Liu: Opened in 2016, this hotel is definitely a great addition to baden baden. Fantastic modern design and service was superb!