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Multižánrové centrum současného umění Cooltour
Salle de concert
Výstaviště Černá louka, pavilon C1
"One of our favorite place to go during the summer days. Especially Wednesdays afternoon are great where you can roast your sausage on bone fire."
Hudební bazar
Salle de concert
Nádražní 138a
"Good music and beer. Quite a lot of local musicians gather here so aside concerts (usually free) you can stumble upon random people jamming. PA is outdated but you can't match the atmosphere here."
Salle de concert
Plynární 7
Dolní oblast Vítkovice
Centre culturel
Vítkovická (Ruská)
"Lovely place with great industrial works of art. There is so much to explore."
Vysoká pec č. 1
Musée d'histoire
Vítkovická (Dolní oblast Vítkovice)
"The best place in Ostrava!"
Svět techniky - Science and Technology Centre
Musée des sciences
Vítkovická (Ruská)
"Great building,great expos- interactive.the civilization part is brilliant.also lot of workshops.make sure to reserve enough time.recommend for children.there is a cinema and a coffee"
Crée par USE-IT Ostrava
54 éléments • 11 fans
Crée par USE-IT Ostrava
87 éléments • 10 fans
Crée par Markéta Kujelová
25 éléments • 5 fans
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