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Ibiza Bites

Ibiza Bites

Camion de restauration$$$$
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Icône conseils et avis8 Conseils et avis
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  • Tim H.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Tim HFévrier 25, 2014
    The Darn Churrasco had perfectly cooked skirt steak, herbaceous chimichurri sauce, well seasoned veggies, delicious coconut rice and sweet, sweet fried maduro (plantain). AAA+++ would eat again
  • Josh D.
    Josh DawsMars 30, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    The special is always good. But you can't go wrong. And tip the Wounded Warrior Project
  • G J.
    G JSeptembre 9, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    The coconut and mango rice goes great with the Ibiza bite 'carne mechada'
  • Sharon F.
    Sharon FergusonAvril 10, 2014
    The Lobster Mac & Cheese is DE-licious!!!!!
  • TV Food Maps
    TV Food MapsSeptembre 2, 2014
    Check out Ibiza Bites as seen on Eat Street En savoir plus
  • Maya
    MayaSeptembre 9, 2011
    The fried green tomatoes have little bits of goat cheese goodness inside. Soooo good!
  • Thrillist
    ThrillistSeptembre 21, 2011
    Ibiza's a bright red mobile kitchen kicking out Latin/South American/Deep South eats. En savoir plus
  • Maya
    MayaSeptembre 9, 2011
    Mango rice, FTW!
Photos29 Photos