What can you say, the best and only Packers bar in NYC. $12 cover charge on game days gets you two drink tickets. Cheap $4 domestic beers inside any way.
In the ’50s & ’60s, this cozy West Village tavern’s original location on MacDougal Street served as a haunt for the Beat Generation; Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso and Norman Mailer.
The neighborhoodbar that remembers the neighborhood. Always the mix of new and regular that keeps it fresh. Pop a cold one and root for GB. As one should..
Kettle of Fish was voted the Sports Bar with No Bros by OkCupid users in the first-ever Daters' Choice Awards! Tap Read more for additional date spot categories in New York City. #daterschoice En savoir plus
"Opened in 1950...and it picked up some interesting clientele (Dylan, Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson). Today it's a dive, sports, gay, boho literary bar all in one cozy cellar." (via @ShelfAwareness)
Formerly Gas Light Café, this neighborhoodbarattracted many counterculture writers, serving as the backdrop for a Kerouac "On the Road" publicity shoot. Come for the dartboards, stay for the Beat.
Green BayPackers fans flood this former Beat hangout on game days. Free Wisconsin delicacies like cheese, crackers and sausage are on hand, as well as the state’sbrat of choice, Usinger’s.
New York's unofficial home for Green Bay Packers' fans. Get the brats! Go Pack Go! Oh and get here WAY early on game day if you hope to get in, much less get a seat!