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Les gens publient souvent des checks-in aux horaires suivants :
Kolosej Ljubljana
Šmartinska cesta 152
"Best cinema in town!"
Kino Komuna
Cankarjeva c. 1
"Less crowded then Kolosej and way more peaceful. Unfortunately there's no popcorn, but you have some candy..."
Miklošičeva c. 38
"They don't make 'em like this anymore! Great little cinema showing a wide range of films--old and more recent, much international film, retrospectives, and more. Tickets are cheap too."
Kongresni trg
Kongresni trg 1
"Best place to buy cheap souvenir in Ljubljana. Fridge magnet for 2,20 €, bread price around 0,5€-2€"
Fast-food · €
Trg Osvobodilne fronte 6
"Clean, quick, friendly."
AKC Metelkova mesto
Art public
Masarykova c. 24
"I guess , first thing to see in Ljubljana very unique!"
Crée par ziva
52 éléments • 278 fans
Guide to Ljubljana's best spots
Crée par Jggh Nj
11 éléments • 3 fans
Crée par Vane Villamil
130 éléments • 1 abonné
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